[Report ]- Aurora ES Near community. - September-October, 2023

Previous proposal

[APPROVED] Aurora ES Near community. - September 2023

Approved amount in $


Previous Funding Near and Aurora community leaders to amplify NDC election in September

Currently report: October 2023


Guild name:

Aurora ES NEAR




BOS workshop

Our deliverables were as follows:

  1. BOS curse for grassroots users:
    We successfully organized and conducted a BOS Course with four workshop sessions.
See Videos

Curso Básico de BOS para usuarios, (clase 1) 17 Octubre 2023
Curso Básico de BOS para usuarios, (clase 2) 19 Octubre 2023
Curso Básico de BOS para usuarios, (clase 3) 24 Octubre 2023
(clase 4) will be next 26th

  1. Spanish Syllabus for BOS Course: We launched a Spanish syllabus for our four classes, providing users with a clear understanding of fundamental concepts related to the Blockchain Operating System (BOS). This syllabus was entirely created in BOS, and we use the creatit.near component
See Details

Curso BOS para usuarios finales

  1. BOS Course Launch: We initiated the BOS course on October 16 and will conclude on October 26, spanning four sessions. The course was designed to provide comprehensive knowledge about the Blockchain Operating System. Each class deliver deep into how end-users can effectively start using BOS.


  1. Proof of Attendance: We provided participants with a Proof of Attendance for the course. This was achieved using a Mintbase contract, which also issued personalized certifications upon completing the course.
See Details


  1. Participant Engagement: To enhance the learning experience, we assigned various tasks to the participants in each class. These tasks included improving their profiles on NEAR Social, posting with markdown, linking the Wormhole component to their X account, and initiating posts. Additionally, participants were encouraged to utilize components such as createit.near for content creation and Easy Poll NDC.
See Details


Easy Poll info

Curso BOS para usuarios: Quiz 1

Quiz sobre BOS Clase III 23 octubre

We are proud to report that we have successfully achieved these deliverables, contributing to disseminating knowledge about BOS and fostering active engagement among our user base. We are looking forward to having our Second Edition of BOS course.


  1. AMA Sessions: We were tasked with hosting two Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions. We successfully conducted one AMA, which focused on Meta Pool voting for the 4th round of grants.
See Details

Reunion con la comunidad+Workshop Meta Pool

  1. Caracas Blockchain Week Participation: In addition to the AMA, we actively participated in Caracas Blockchain Week. We delivered a presentation on the Blockchain Operating System (BOS) during this event.

We have effectively fulfilled our deliverables, showcasing our commitment to engaging with the community and spreading awareness about BOS.

See Details

Marketing Deliverables

We organized regular quizzes on our Telegram group, posted crucial news articles, particularly related to the Near wallet transition (initially scheduled for October 31, now rescheduled for January 1st, 2024), and hosted engaging game contests.

See Details

October start from here

X (Twitter)

We exceeded our target by delivering 7 informative threads about NEAR on our Twitter account.

See Details


Near Social/BOS Activities

We surpassed our goal by publishing 7 in-depth articles on Near Social, contributing to disseminating educational content about NEAR.

See Details

Post by @mundoaurora.near
Post by @mundoaurora.near
Post by @mundoaurora.near
Post by @mundoaurora.near
Post by @mundoaurora.near
Post by @mundoaurora.near
Post by @mundoaurora.near
Las dApps en NEAR Protocol: Uso y Preferencias

Analytics of AuroraESNear on Near.social according to Near Atlas

Our community is in the top 20 according to the new “Trending user’s Button” in BOS :wink:

Marketing Contest:

  • Encouraging users to produce educational content about NEAR, articles, and infographics.
  • Promoting community engagement on BOS and X.
  • Two ambassadors actively promoting our content, as detailed
See Details

Comment by @mbbevilacqua_caffepoesia.near
Comment by @thegood.near

  • Facilitating community members to share their daily crypto routines in BOS.
See Details

Post by Edi0X | Near Social
Post by Diego Corez | Near Social
Post by Milly R. | Near Social
Post by Mayra Bevilacqua | Near Social
Post by @b5e1b528365c393715dbcf234d1113416d19222490f56f516435b43a4b47467d

Medium Channel:

Publishing three articles on our Medium Channel, covering NDC elections, Meta Pool, and BOS.

See Details

Grant distribution

Activities Descriptión Budget
Activities questionnaires, giveaways, contests, quizzes, games, NFTs, contests organization, arts $300
Staff salaries Project Manager, Medium Manager, Twitter Manager, TG moderators(3) $1200
Creation of blog posts on Medium and Near Social in Spanish Articles, post, infographics, (500 to 1000 words each) $500
AMAs, Podcasts, Workshops Introducing Near Network and projects, BOS widgets and Dapps use cases to different Hispanic Crypto-communities. $500

Our Team

Activity Member
Project Manager: Ulises Marin @ramgor
Telegram group moderators: Julián Mostacero @jblm, Gilberth Betancourt @gilberth.near Francisco John @Butneversaved Angel Sanchez @skyempire
Telegram News Channel Alejandro Moreno @alejandrom América Castro @Ame9986
Twitter: Milly Rodriguez @MillyR06
Medium Content Curator/BOS content Creator: América Castro @ame9986
AMAs / Workshops: Fritz Wagner @FritzWorm, Francisco John, Ulises Marin @ramgor
Medium Writers: Francisco John, Milly Rodriguez, Yaneisia Hernandez @Yaneisia, Alejandro Moreno, Juan Peña @jeph, Angel Sanchez

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our hardworking staff whose tireless efforts have been instrumental in furthering our mission. We are equally thankful to the engaged community for their invaluable support. Lastly, we express our profound appreciation to the Marketing Eco DAO for their pivotal role.

We are committed to sustaining these activities, believing the engagement of end-users is fundamental to the ecosystem’s growth. Together, we will contribute to the advancement of NEAR and the Blockchain Operating System (BOS).u


It is always important to develop an educative rol in spanish community