[PROPOSAL] Tataoim DAO proposal - May, June, July 2023


Hello, everyone! This is our proposal for April, May and June of 2023 projects and we hope you like it. Check it out!

Members: Tataoim (tataoim.near) @tataoim | Barbara Rodrix (barbararodrix.near) @barbararodrix

Target: tataoim.sputnik-dao.near
Current Balance: 13.30 USDC

We believe that our know-how on Culture, Music, Vegan way of life and Production will develop our community and foment the NEAR community and culture in a physical place that’s already a reality on inspiration and culture making in the city of Lisbon.

Here you can find the September 2022 projects’ report and our achievement from our latest projects:


Our genres are:

  • Art
  • Music
  • Multimedia
  • Events
  • Culture
  • Lifestyle



The impact that the partnership of TATAOIM and NEAR could make in one of the most global cities on Earth is huge. NEAR helps us on the viability of our projects in which, the NEAR brand gets associated to one of the bests Vegan places in Lisbon (tataoim - Google Search), that organically developed a community of more than 3,500 people on Social Media (https://www.instagram.com/tataoim/) and more than 30,000 searches monthly.


Wagner Barbosa’s Vocal Techniques Workshop

Expected Outcome:

  • Wagner Barbosa is one of the most important vocal experts in Brazilian Music and have prepared the stage voice for huge artists, attaching NEAR brand with a big name would be a great publicity.
  • Tataoim restaurant will provide the vegan food for the day developing awareness and taste for those who’d be there.
  • The members for the event are Wagner Barbosa and Tataoim (tataoim.near)
  • A video from the Highlights will be posted on Tataoim’s Instagram and Wagner Barbosa’s YouTube Channel highlighting the NEAR label.

Activities and Timelines:

  • The Workshop will take place at Tataoim restaurant on one day in the end of May.
  • We will edit a highlights video to post on Wagner’s YouTube Channel and Tataoim’s Instagram on the first week of May.


  • Production - Highlights Video and Food for the Workshop - 50 DAI (tataoim.near)
  • Wagner Barbosa - 300 DAI
    TOTAL = 350 DAI


Barbara Rodrix’ AR New Album Recordings

Expected Outcome:

  • AR (air in English) is the name from the singer/songwriter Barbara Rodrix’ new album.
  • Barbara is the daughter of one of the greatest Brazilian composers, Zé Rodrix, and her career is consolidated as one of the best voices of her generation.
  • We are going also to fund the studio’s cost and videos/photos’ cost for the project, all the media will refer to the NEAR as the main partner on the artist’s third album.
  • One of the tracks will be released as a Single on Tamago.

Activities and Timelines:

  • The Recording Sessions will take place from May till the end of June of 2023 and all the process will be shown at the artist’s social media (Instagram and YouTube) with more than 4,000 Followers.
  • This Budget is due to only the Recording. The post production will happen on the second half of 2023.


  • Production - Photos and Videos from the Recordings - 100 DAI
  • In-loco Production – Recording Studio and Alimentation – 100 DAI (tataoim.near)
  • Raul Misturada – 400 DAI (raulmisturada.near)
  • Diogo Duque – 400 DAI
    TOTAL = 1000 DAI


Tataoim Talks Podcast First Mini Season

Expected Outcome:

  • Tataoim Talks will be the Podcast to foment the partnership NEAR and TATAOIM in a Cultural and Lifestyle free talk.
  • We are going to fund the fist mini season with 3 episodes with big names of the Portuguese vegan culture and music, people that can bring thousands of people to NEAR community.
  • We are going to put every episode on Tamago and say in every episode that the Podcast is powered by NEAR.

Activities and Timelines:

  • The Recording Sessions will take place from mid-May till mid-June of 2023
  • The Podcast will be posted on Tamago and other platforms; one per week, starting on the end of June till mid-July.


  • Production - Recording and Editing Audio - 100 DAI (berpeixoto.near)
  • Rods Rodrigues - 100 DAI (tataoim.near)
  • Salvador Sobral - 100 DAI
  • MARO - 100 DAI
  • Luisa Mafei - 100 DAI
    TOTAL = 500 DAI


Barbara Veiga Talk and Multimedia Exhibition

Expected Outcome:

  • Barbara Veiga’s exhibition about the ocean will stay one week at Tataoim restaurant in Lisbon with NEAR Banner everyday at the restaurant.
  • Barbara’s activism on ocean’s matter already passed through the museums in Lisbon and more. Attaching NEAR brand to environmental awareness and sustainability by the power of Barbara’s work is the greatest outcome that we can imagine to this project.
  • We are going to produce a video with the Highlights of the opening and post in our YouTube Channel and Instagram with NEAR brand.
  • One of Barbara’s photo will be transformed in NFT and posted on Mintbase.

Activities and Timelines:

  • Pre Production will take place on May 11th (making the food for the event day).
  • Opening day on May 12th from 5pm to 10pm: Lisbon time.
  • Post production from May 13th to June 20th (editing the video and posting on Tataoim Channel on YouTube)
  • The Exhibition will happen from May 12th till May 20th.


  • Production (food, transportation) – 100 DAI (tataoim.near)
  • Bernardo Peixoto - Video and Editing Highlights from Opening - 100 DAI (berpeixoto.near)
  • Barbara Veiga - 400 DAI
  • Banner with NEAR Protocol and Tataoim DAO Logos - 50 DAI (tataoim.near)
    TOTAL = 650 DAI


DJAGIL arts residency at Tataoim

Expected Outcome:

  • That’s a huge project with big names of the new Brazilian and Portuguese music, people with thousand of followers and fans.
  • After the residency the band is going to play a Live concert in a Hall in Lisbon, the communication will emphasize that the concert is powered by NEAR.
  • After the month of residency we are going to produce a video about those Wednesdays and we are going to post on Instagram and YouTube.
  • The residency concept is a pocket show with the studies about Gilberto Gil and Djavan’s work.
  • We are going to expose at the restaurant a banner with NEAR Logo every event.

Activities and Timelines:

  • The event will take place on every Wednesday of May 2023 from 7pm till 10pm at Tataoim restaurant in Lisbon.
  • All the social media communication will have NEAR brand in it.
  • In every event the NEAR x TATAOIM banner will be shown.
  • Every artist will open a wallet.

Production (food, transportation) – 100 DAI (tataoim.near)
Barbara Rodrix - 180 DAI (barbararodrix.near)
Juninho Ibituruna - 180 DAI
Djâmen - 180 DAI
Nilson Dourado - 180 DAI
TOTAL = 1000 DAI

Goals and Objectives:

As the first approved project that we made, our main goal is to power a strong partnership NEAR x TATAOIM and grow both of the communities with subjects as: vegan, sustainability, music and culture in mind.
The road to achieve those goals is already taken, with the funds we can propose to Lisbon amazing events with high level subjects in a lovely place and by doing that increase NEAR community with thinkers, artists and free spirits.
Barbara Rodrix @barbararodrix and Rods Rodrigues @tataoim are the owner of TATAOIM restaurant and do almost everything during those events: making the food, serving, playing or making art.
Well, this 3 month project is just the next step for the partnership NEAR x TATAOIM and we think that we managed to foment a community of great minds in our small place and NEAR is another fuel for us to continue.


Council – 1500 DAI (30%)
Wagner Barbosa’s Vocal Techniques Workshop – 350 DAI
Barbara Rodrix’ AR New Album Recordings - 1000 DAI
Tataoim Talks Podcast First Mini Season - 500 DAI
Barbara Veiga Talk and Multimedia Exhibition - 650 DAI
DJAGIL arts residency at Tataoim - 1000 DAI
TOTAL :heavy_equals_sign: 5000 DAI

Target: tataoim.sputnik-dao.near


Tataoim Official Site
Tataoim on Instagram
:leaves: :green_heart:


Hey @tataoim sorry, but you submitted your proposal after the deadline, therefore it won’t be reviewed this month. Feel free to submit the new one in April.
If you would like to know more, please read our guidelines and rules in practice.
Thank you and have a nice weekend!


Hey, @Paul !
Thanks for your message. That’s a pity, but don’t worry, we are going to review the schedules and re-submit the project.
Should I open this same project with the schedule reviewed in the end of this month or submit a new document with the new schedule?
Thanks again. Have a nice weekend.


Both are OK, please ping us when you finish revising it


Perfect! Thanks @williamx

Hey, guys! @williamx @Paul
We’ve just reopened and reschedule our proposal for May, June and July at our place.
Hope you enjoy the ride. Thanks once again!


Hello @tataoim, thank you for submitting the proposal.

Please revise the content of your project following the proposal template. (More info about guidelines & procedures can be found here: [Guide] CreativesDAO Guidelines and Procedures)

To facilitate this, since you already posted the project separately, besides the background information, please elaborate each project with:

Expected outcome: -
Activities & timelines: -
Budget: (Detailed budget for each activities, target wallet (if any))

Please note that clear & strong expected outcomes are very important (since the fund is coming from NEAR), thank you very much!


Hey, @williamx !
Just revised the project following the template. Well, I guess I got more aware about the Template and Guidelines now. For the next proposal I’ll have it in mind. :sweat_smile:
I think our project has a lot to add in NEAR community and continue the partnership NEAR x TATAOIM.
Thanks again! Cheers!

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