[Proposal] Tama Island DAO, Metaverse Events - March/April 2022

Project: Tamago, a music streaming/NFT hybrid platform built on NEAR

Funding scheme: Monthly

Proposal for Funding - tamaisland.sputnik-dao.near

Project/Council Members: @coyotefugly , @clarian

Requested Amount: $2,650

Target Address: tamaisland.sputnik-dao.near

On behalf of the Tamago project , a music streaming initiative soon to be deployed on the NEAR blockchain, I am making this proposal to the Creatives DAO to request its support for funding the Tamaisland DAO to fund the performances/events hosted by Tamago in the NEAR Hub metaverse. The metaverse space where we host the events is called Tama Island, and exists in the official NEAR Protocol metaverse, NEAR Hub. These meetups and virtual performances are intended to invite and engage artists and performers as launch prep for its music streaming platform, unveiling in stages in the coming months. The Tamago platform’s soft alpha launch is coming Feb 24th and artists are able to sign up to be a Whitelisted artist and get early access to test its features. There are currently 32 artists on the list.

The members of the Tama Island DAO seek to use these events as a pedestal for engaging artists with the Tamago initiative and also use it as a means of getting to know patrons who will be early adopters of its technology. Hosting these weekly gatherings enables artists to engage with founders, as well as fellow creatives and enthusiasts. As the Social media engagement grows and flows into the Tamago Telegram channel, newcomers to the project enter in and are immediately invited to join us at the upcoming metaverse event that week, which started out as once a week Friday meetups with DJ duo who call themselves U.N.I. They partnered with us in December and began streaming a two hour set into Tama Island, hosting and shouting out the Tamago project, and making it an immersive experience by adding their presence into the environment. Tama Island is a space where people can engage and get a sense of the community Tamago is organically building, introduce their creative work and see how they might get involved.

The Tamago community has grown quickly over the past two months from the increasing amount of interaction we create on social media and via the metaverse events, which are a huge source of discussion in the Telegram channel and attract a lot of hype. Due to this growth, we created the TamaIsland DAO, as we now see it necessary to increase and incentivize the patronage and activity at these events, especially in anticipation of the platform launch. We will use the metrics of recording number of attendees and recollect and make note of direct connections made with artists at the events (the live engagement is encrypted due to the privacy aspect of NEAR Hub’s metaverse). One way to measure our milestones will be to excite and attract performers who will then become involved with Tamago by joining our Telegram and becoming avid users of the platform/frequent guests at the events. The goal is to gain between 100-200 artists/people as users of the Tamago platform in the next month, and the networking, education, and enthusiasm from these events will be in great service of attaining that.

In a bid for awareness and invitation for engagement, Tamago requests the funding support of the Creatives DAO for incentivizing artists and performers that would be showcasing in future events listed below:

The funding requested will be used to compensate the artists we host on the Island, incentivize more artists to get involved, and compensate coyotefugly.near for DAO management/coordinating and hosting the events. Justification for this project is in the might of the essence Tama Island provides to the Tamago project and community members. The founders and community builders wish to cultivate a community easily accessible by artists and relevant creatives in the NEAR Ecosystem through the web3 tools we can access by being on chain and not gatekeeping - an avenue that will inevitably lead creatives to choose NEAR. The mission of Tamago is aligned with NEAR’s mass adoption mantra and desire to bring Web3 awareness, which Creatives DAO will help bring forth through supporting projects like Tamago and it’s community building efforts. Its a “go” on all levels!

Individual Proposals for Events Listed (@adrianseneca)

Residual Budget for March 2022

$250 - Zeitwarp audio visual installation

Budget Breakdown for April 2022

$1,000 - 4 Friday meetups, $250 for each of U.N.I’s 2 hour DJ sets

$600 - 4 Open mic nights - $150 for each event to be used as incentives for performers

$400 - 2 live performances (TBD by invite or request)

$400 - compensation to coyotefugly.near for coordinating & scheduling all live events, and DAO management

Previous successful proposals for funding granted to the Tamago Project: http://gov.near.org/t/tamago-proposal-a-decentralized-protocol-for-musicians-on-near-x-humanguild/9321

Link to Tama Island: TamaIsland-Gatherings | NEAR Hub Online

The Tamago family looks forward to the encouraging response of the Creatives DAO.http://gov.near.org/t/proposal-payment-for-exit-liquidity-sound-vision-art-installation-dj-set-on-tama-island/17189


HI all! Thanks for you proposal, it is looking great so far!

To help us stay organized and keep in sequence with the proposal format, could you please create separate posts for each project included in this overall proposal? For example, making a separate post for Friday meetups with more description about what that project entails, then linking that separate Friday meetups post to this proposal so the community can easily find deeper details without searching while simultaneously making this proposal clean.


Absolutely! Apologies for the lack of detail there. I will make this adjustment.

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Hi there! I am in the process of adding those individual proposals now. I was waiting til things got sorted out with our DAO council to make the updates. I will be adding each one and linking them to this proposal over the weekend. Thank you again!

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Hi again! So since things took some time to get organized as far as the individual proposals, I have changed the requested budget to be for this coming month. However, one event we hosted in March that we would like to request funding for still would be the EXIT LIQUIDITY installation to compensate @zeitwarp for his time & efforts creating this awesome artwork, and being the first art installation to showcase in the NEAR Hub metaverse.

Can these requests be considered during the coming funding request window starting April 1st?


Tamago has been a spot to be and chill with mates, the island is so beautiful you know, love the scenery with great musics too!

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Tama island is dope, tamago is a goal and we’ll keep the vibe :100: Lfg


Tama, my Tama :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Tama Island has been home to me and a most diverse collage of other incredible Art and artistes.

Support from @creativesdao-council will help drive the initiative to greater heights.



Since i attended my first Tamago hangout on the Tama Island, I’ve not missed one.

Would be nice to have this approved so we keep enjoying the music.

Kudos to the team @coyotefugly and @clarian

UNI the DJ guys also do a really great job


thanks Tamago team for such amazing experience with you <3
it was great to work with you, to receive every time we need perfect guidance that even 1st party was hold great (from our opinion :blush:)
[Proposal] GoaDAO - first Metaverse party - #17 by johanga

looking forward to perform more parties on Tamago :dancer:


Keep up all the good work with Tamago!!!


Really enjoyed dropping EXIT LIQUIDITY on Tama Island…

:+1: :musical_note: :notes: :headphones:


It was an exciting show @zeitwarp :zap:


Go Tama Island :grinning: :rocket: :blue_heart:

Hey thnx - glad u liked it :+1:
:headphones: :notes: :headphones:

I’ve been streaming in tamago for weeks now, there’s a lot of cool tracks to be discovered and listened too. The community is exponentially rising both in terms of listeners and as well as artists/composers who’s showing their all kinds of creativeness in making their own music. I really can’t wait for the upcoming tamago features and events!! :heart: :notes: :metal: :heart_eyes:

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I’m amaze on Tama’s growth and objectives. I joined one of the event and enjoy streaming musics on tama island. It’s so nice to see tamago bring more great music and artists!

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As a mentee, I must say Tamago has been the perfect project to work with. I have enjoyed every step of the process


Love the room at Near Hub

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Hey @coyotefugly & the Tamago team. Looks like this is addressed to the marketing doa but is tagged under creatives.

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