Proponent: Mayra Mendes

NEAR account for payment:

Project Timeline:
Meeting: After project approval

Objective: To realize two chats. One with Pacha Pinta. and the other with Severa Paraguaçu


The importance of holding chats is to reach people outside the community limits, causing interest in learning about Near, its facilities, and opportunities for interacting and learning. To encourage even more participation in the chats, we will give away two Near NFTs from FEMINU artists, to participants who watch the whole chat, and if the winners do not have a Near wallet, we will do the onboardings.

Chat with Pacha Pinta: “Abya Yala livre”

This month FEMINU will integrate a group of indigenous female artists into the Near network through onboarding. One of them is the most recognized artist in contemporary indigenous art in Brazil. There will be an exhibition of NFTs minted especially for the occasion. This chat will help to bring visibility to Near’s community, given the historical importance of this event.

Abya Yala is a word from the Kuna people meaning “Mature Land”, “Living Land” or “Land in Bloom”, is how the original people who are in the Americas call these territories. At this moment, the perspective is to bring together artists and curators from Blockchain Near to participate in this conversation “Abya Yala Livre” with the presence of Indigenous artists, Majur Boe Bororo, Miguela Guarany and PachaPinta, to learn more about the original cultural expressions present in Brazil and that from this initiative of FEMINU are having the opening to integrate into the NFT community of Brazil.

Chat with Severa Paraguaçu: “Anticapacitism introduction”

Talking about topics that concern inclusion within the Near community is of extreme importance, also because it is a highlighted media issue today in Brazil, and in this sense, we invited Severa Paraguaçu who defines herself as the “crippling drag queen and incomplete model. Deconstructive in the Antimanual Anticapacitist series, vocalist in the ever-forming band Severa Paraguaçu and the Unfinished, and president of the matutation tank Academia Paraguaçuniana de Artes e Ciências Severas.”

In August, when organizing the FOLKLORE bounty, we introduced a rule in which artists were asked to describe their works as a form of inclusion for the visually impaired, and we invited Severa Paraguaçu to judge the bounty. She is also a curator and has loss of part of her vision. She has done very important work regarding the awareness of the need to be aware of the so-called dissident bodies, which are those that do not conform to established standards.
What happened during the bounty brought the idea of having a chat with Severa Paraguaçu about the issues of anti-capacitism, the imaginary about disability, civil rights movements, the hegemony and standardization of body concepts (corponormativity), using the avatars’ standards of corporality as an example, also bringing these discussions to the metaverse.

The conversations will be recorded and posted on the FEMINU Youtube channel and will be available to the entire Near the community.

For this project, we will also invite the artist @iagods to produce a flyer.


Severa Paraguaçu - 200 USD to be paid in DAI

Pacha Pinta - 200 USD to be paid in DAI

Total Budget - 400 USD in DAI





Proponent: Mayra Mendes

Project Status: Completed

NEAR account for payment:



Objective: To realize two chats. One with Pacha Pinta and the other with Severa Paraguaçu

Project realization:

The two chats were held as lives on Instagram and promoted great engagement with the community. They were the first events of this kind held by FEMINU DAO.

In the promotion of the first live with the indigenous artists @PachaPinta and Miguela Guarany, two Reels together reached almost 3300 accounts, and the live was attended by 56 people and the live post reached 170 accounts.

First Live Flyer:



Live: FEMINU DAO on Instagram: "Pra quem não conseguiu assistir, segue aqui a gravação da nossa live Abya Yala livre com as artistas @pachapinta e @miguelaguarany ! Imperdível"

The second live with Severa Paraguaçu, talking about anti-capacitism also had a large presence; 51 people attended and the live post reached 89 accounts.

Second Live Flyer:

Live:: FEMINU DAO on Instagram: "Pra quem perdeu a Live com essa pessoa incrível que é @severaparaguacu , aqui está a gravação! @thaisampr @mayramendes.photo e @ghini_ar #anticapacitismo #feminudao #feminu #talkingtofeminu #live"

Ghini’s artwork NFT was sent to flygoa.near and blua_discordia.near for watching the whole chat, with Pacha Pinta and Severa Paraguaçu, respectively.

Observation: The artist Pacha Pinta split her incentive with her colleague Miguela Guarany who also participated in the chat.

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