[Proposal] Portuguese Guild Monthly Report 2021-10 and 2021-11

Guild Name: Portuguese Guild

Guild DAO: Portuguese Guild SputnikDAO

Guild Timeline: October 1st to November 30th (2 months)


  1. We translated:


  1. In October we presented the NEAR Portuguese Guild Hacktoberfest event, we did not end the presentations but, the two first are recorded on our channel on youtube.


  1. During these months the NEAR implemented a unified way to contribute with Docs translations in a crowding project. So we worked on migrating some translations that were already done and finishing the ones that were in progress.
  2. We continue meeting once a week to coordinate the guild work.


  • Twitter: 76
  • Telegram: 33 members
  • Discord: 20 members
  • Youtube: 31 subscribers - 223 views - 4 videos.

The Hacktoberfest event happened on youtube so most of the new subscribers and views came from it.

Next Steps

  • In the next month, we may reduce our activities due end of year holidays. But we are planning some activities for the next year.
  • Some members applied for Blockchain School’s NEAR Protocol Education Program and are considering taking the course.

Proposal SpreadSheet

Type Unit Total
Translations $150 each $600
Meetings Participation $5 each person $145
TOTAL $745

12/08 - $9.31 = 1N → $745 = 80N

Sputnik Proposal

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Who offered a reward for the translation of the documentation?

What meetings? The Hacktoberfest event? What was the result of that?