Guild Name: Portuguese Guild
Guild DAO: Portuguese Guild SputnikDAO
Guild Timeline: October 1st to November 30th (2 months)
- We translated:
- Three Documentation Pages:
- Staking Orientation - $150
- Networks - $150
- Epoch - $150
- The blog post: Send NEAR to Anyone with NEAR Drops - $150
- Three Documentation Pages:
- In October we presented the NEAR Portuguese Guild Hacktoberfest event, we did not end the presentations but, the two first are recorded on our channel on youtube.
- During these months the NEAR implemented a unified way to contribute with Docs translations in a crowding project. So we worked on migrating some translations that were already done and finishing the ones that were in progress.
- We continue meeting once a week to coordinate the guild work.
- Twitter: 76
- Telegram: 33 members
- Discord: 20 members
- Youtube: 31 subscribers - 223 views - 4 videos.
The Hacktoberfest event happened on youtube so most of the new subscribers and views came from it.
Next Steps
- In the next month, we may reduce our activities due end of year holidays. But we are planning some activities for the next year.
- Some members applied for Blockchain School’s NEAR Protocol Education Program and are considering taking the course.
Proposal SpreadSheet
Type | Unit | Total |
Translations | $150 each | $600 |
Meetings Participation | $5 each person | $145 |
TOTAL | $745 |