[Proposal] Hacktoberfest Brazil - Portuguese NEAR Guild

[Proposals] Hacktoberfest Brazil - Portuguese NEAR Guild

October is an especial month for hackers and developers, is when the Hackoberfest happens. A month duration event, with a lot of workshops, talks, and meetups. In Brazil, it won’t be different! For the Brazil Edition 2021, it will be online, with events almost every day of October.

NEAR Week - Educational

And we, the Portuguese Guild, want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest Brazil creating a NEAR Week for diving into the NEAR universe. A holly week that will start teaching the basics of blockchain and NEAR (NEAR Whitepaper Meetup), them a quick dive into how to develop a smart contract (Hello World NEAR Workshop) and, to concretize the knowledge, a three day hands-on (NEAR Hands-on) that the participants will write, test and deploy their own smart contract.


  • Educate the participants on blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and NEAR Protocol
  • Onboard developers to the NEAR ecosystem
  • Bring more members to the Portuguese NEAR Guild
  • Stimulate adoption of the NEAR blockchain by developers in Brazil

1. NEAR Whitepaper Meetup at Papers We Love

Monday - Papers We Love is a monthly meetup to discuss a paper, related to technology, and we want to do a NEAR edition during October, presenting the NEAR whitepaper, teaching how NEAR works and what are its possibilities. This meetup has a duration of 2~3 hours.

  • Three members of the Portuguese Guild will organize: Murilo, Vitor, and Helder
  • Estimation of ~100 participants
  • 1N for each participant (max of 50 participants)
  • Theoretical event
  • Content:
    • Blockchain basic concepts
    • Smart contract basic concepts
    • What is NEAR and how it works
    • PoW vs PoS
    • NEAR economy
    • NEAR technology
    • NEAR governance

2. Hello World NEAR Workshop

Tuesday - This will be a workshop with 2~3 hours of duration to teach about how we can do our first and simple smart contract, tests, front-end, and deployment. The idea of this event is to give a foundation and motivation for the next huge event.

  • A member of the Portuguese Guild will organize: Igor
  • Estimation of ~100 participants
  • 2N for each participant (max of 50 participants)
  • Theoretical + practical event
  • Content:
    • Smart contract deep concepts
    • How to write a simple smart contract
    • How to create tests for the smart contract
    • How to deploy the smart contract
    • A simple UI for playing with the smart contract created

3. NEAR Hands-on

Wednesday to Friday - An intensive 3-days event for each participant to develop a smart contract and do a demo presenting it. It will be based on the firsts NEAR Certified Developer, with synchronous meetings helping participants and the Discord to asynchronous conversations.

  • Three members of the Portuguese Guild will organize: Murilo, Vitor, and Igor
  • Estimation of ~50 participants
  • 15N for each participant that completes the event, including the Demo Day. (max of 20 participants)
  • We will do the entire NEAR Certified Developer translation and adaptation to Portuguese for this hands-on.
  • Practical event
  • Content:
    • Blockchain deep understanding
    • Smart contract deep understanding
    • Write your own smart contract
    • Create tests for your smart contract
    • Deploy your smart contract
    • Present your smart contract to the participants

Disclaimer: we don’t have the dates scheduled yet, but will be in October, probably in the last two weeks.


An essential part of the events is how we do the marketing of it. And for that Jheney will help to create the social media arts while Igor will do all the necessary publications (Instagram, Twitter, Telegram…).

  • 6 arts (2 for each event)
  • Publications on guild + Hacktoberfest social media. Boost in the publications if necessary.


The Portuguese NEAR Guild will do the entire organization of the NEAR Pathway to bring the best experience to the participants.

Type Unit Total
Marketing (arts + publications) $350 for arts and $150 for publications $500
Organization $250 for each organizer of each event $1750
NEAR Whitepaper Meetup $5 for each participant (max: 50) $250
Hello World NEAR Workshop $10 for each participant (max: 50) $500
NEAR Hands-on $75 for each successful participant (max: 20) $1500
Translation - NEAR Certified Developer $500 $500
TOTAL $5000

Voting “NO” for the proposal submitted:


Voted “YES” accidentally on this proposal:

There has not been enough discussion off-chain for me to feel comfortable voting yes.

Hey @chloe. What do you think about a meeting to talk about our proposal? As it’s our first time creating a proposal for an event, we didn’t know it was necessary to have an off-chain discussion/conversation. Sorry about that! Could I message you on Telegram?

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Hey @murilooon - the majority of the Community Squad DAO council is of the opinion that Proposal 1 is very compelling while Proposal 2 is not necessarily of interest. We’re not generally looking to sponsor extended events in this way - with this short notice - but would rather promote and support our Guilds to take on these opportunities within their capabilities and interest.

For Proposal 1:
Can we get some more details about the marketing plans Jheney and/or Igor will be undertaking?

For Proposal 2:
Can we get some further information about the number of expected attendees, who the other sponsors are (or who is being considered), who the speakers or workshop hosts are (estimated numbers at the least), what sort of paid social media and online marketing campaigns would be part of the sponsorship offer?
The Discord invite through the website linked to abvoe is also showing up as invalid.

We are going to be publishing some more information on the Forum in the coming days about what we mean by ‘discussion off-chain’ as a parameter for then posting for a payout to the Community Squad SpuntikDAO, but we are looking for some time in between when proposals are posted on the Forum and then when the Council is expected to vote on the payout for the proposal.


Hey @mecsbecs. For propos 1: the marketing plan is to create 6 arts for the events, 2 for each. Jheney is a frontend developer who already worked with design. Aside that, Igor will do the publishing and interaction with the public, using ours and Hacktoberfest social media. Also, he will create the events tickets on Sympla platform. Depending on the engagement we will boost the publications to reach more people.

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Okay, I’m still looking for more detail though along the lines of a post like this [PROPOSAL] Social Media + Blogs Budget for Marma J Foundation, where there are metric for success and an estimated timeline. To my mind that is what is still missing from this proposal.

It’s still being voted on in the Community Squad SputnikDAO, but if it does not pass then I would recommend re-posting with the additional detail referenced above. Again, I do not see Proposal 2 being as strong as Proposal 1 even with the additional detail I’m requesting.

And tagging my colleagues @JMaenen @jcatnear @olpl so if you require any assistance on the social media side as you develop these campaigns you’ve referenced.

I recognized October is just around the corner so the sooner these details are worked out, the faster we can vote proposals through!

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Hey Murilo,

Thanks for putting this together. I’ve attended Hacktober fest events and hosted Papers We Love meetups in the past in my city and really enjoyed it. :slight_smile:

I’d love to get more clarity on the following:

  • Is this an in person event?
  • Who is the target audience? What’s their background? I know that Hacktoberfest typically attracts people who are new to open source to make their first PRs.
  • Is the Papers we love event part of hacktoberfest?
  • For the Papers we love event, are the content delivered in the local language? Would it be recorded?

Just to double check, does Igor have previous experience with building on NEAR? If not, I’d highly recommend the NEAR Certified Developer program. Given the nature of hacktoberfest, do you think a hands on workshop on writing smart contracts would be something that the participants might be interested in?

From the website, it seems like there are other blockchains present. Do you plan on having a blockchain track for this event?

Is this for the entire hacktober fest that other blockchains are involved in or are we talking exclusively about the NEAR events?

Would defer to the @amgando and @shashi on this.

Echo the feedback on sponsorship, which is proposal 2.


Hey @shreyas!

Answering your questions :wink:

Is this an in person event?
No, it will be a remote event since Brazil is still with a high risk of contamination

Who is the target audience? What’s their background? I know that Hacktoberfest typically attracts people who are new to open source to make their first PRs.
The target are computer science students and developers that want to learn about blockchain.

Is the Papers we love event part of hacktoberfest?
Papers We Love happens every month and for October we want to do a special version, including it as part of the Hacktoberfest

For the Papers we love event, are the content delivered in the local language? Would it be recorded?
All events will be in the local language. And yes, we are looking to record and post in our YouTube channel

Does Igor have previous experience with building on NEAR?
Yes, we did the NEAR Certified Developer together early may, he is a computer science student. He is already finishing the workshop material. I will help him with the necessary needs as well.

Do you think a hands on workshop on writing smart contracts would be something that the participants might be interested in?
Here in Brazil there are a lot of developers/students looking to learn how to code in the blockchain universe. I work in a technology company and a huge part of the developers are excited for the Hacktoberfest because of the blockchain focus.

Is this for the entire hacktober fest that other blockchains are involved in or are we talking exclusively about the NEAR events?
It will be exclusively for the NEAR events. We are not managing the Hacktoberfest, only the NEAR events.

From the website, it seems like there are other blockchains present. Do you plan on having a blockchain track for this event?
The website for the 2021 version is still under development, but yes, there will be other blockchains involved, Polkadot is confirmed with a “how to code frontend applications with substrate in the backend” workshop. Dates are not confirmed, but the Hacktoberfest organizers are looking to create a Blockchain Day. We will manage our NEAR events to match at least one of them with the day, if confirmed.

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Thanks for tagging us Shreyas.

@murilooon can we talk sometime this week or early next week? if yes please ping me on discord.


Sure, I will message you :wink:

Hey @shreyas @mecsbecs @chloe

Talked to @shashi today about proposal 1, related to education, and is everything ok, ready to continue finishing the workshop and Hands-on material. Shashi may want to contribute to this thread about our conversation.

Aside from that, we won’t continue with proposal 2 (sponsorship) and will focus entirely on the educational proposal.

With that, we will be opening a new Sputnik proposal in the community squad, using today’s NEAR price (NEAR Wallet price) while writing this message. 1N ≃ $7.90 → $5000 / $7.90 ≃ 635N

Proposal link: SputnikDAO


If this is a purely educational proposal, it seems like this proposals should be submitted to the Education team?

Cc @sashi


I don’t know, what do you guys prefer? The faster way for us is better since October is 8 days ahead. :smiley:

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Thanks for revisions, @murilooon, the Community Squad DAO is working to vote this through.

In the future, for any education-related proposals, please post to the “Education” category of the Forum directly to Shashi’s or someone from the Education team’s attention to take it from there.

Good luck with the event! Looking forward to the report.


Hey @chloe, could you take a look at the proposal? SputnikDAO

@mecsbecs Thank you very much. We will record the events and will share them here in the forum! :wink:

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