[PROPOSAL] Payout for Community Moderators

Hey team, today marks the first month of our community moderators. :partying_face:

In addition to responding to queries on Telegram, Reddit, and Discord. They have been working on the following:

which can be found in their recent reports here (another one will be posted today in their local time):

Total payout for these moderators amount to 1600N.

Our moderators are now working closely with the Degen army and are slowly setting up meetings to sync with other Community Squad members. This month, we hope to contribute more to the wiki and work on more marketing strategies for each channel.


Hello there,
let’s add this one too


Hello everyone! Here you can see my Discord report!


Dear jcatneaer! May I have a list of moderators? Thank You and have a great day!

Hi Dacha, currently we have @KriptoRaptor @Benz_Near @stanisnear . Though there are other informal groups and guild members who help manage our communities. Sorry if this wasn’t a straight answer, but feel free to chime in if you have follow up questions!


Ok, thank You. 530 N for each moderator?