[Report] Monthly Report for Near Protocol Official Telegram(July)


In this report I’m going to explain what I’ve done during the first 4 weeks period (July to August) of my Near social channels moderation, present official telegram channel statistics, share my opinions, and talk about future plans.

I currently monitor and moderate official telegram, discord and the reddit channels. I mainly monitor, analyze telegram statistics, keep an eye of scammer impersonator channels and accounts, fix accidental restrictions done by combot edit combot settings and messages and attend unanswered requests.

a. My Daily Practice

  • Welcome new community members, answer questions and direct people to useful links or groups.

  • Watch telegram, discord and reddit posts. Check if there are any unattended queries that had written before my shift then try to help them as well.

  • Approve and up posts on reddit.

  • Filter marketing proposals from telegram proposals and save the ones from which have a large group of active members for further cooperation.

  • Check telegram statistics and combot analytics.

  • Regularly Update recurring combot messages, warnings, and welcoming messages,

  • Create & keep updating Near Moderators FAQ list.

  • Keep scammers and coordinated Fud attackers away from Social Channels.

*Thanks to Near Community Members and friends we finally made telegram ban all three fake Near channels
Telegram: Contact @nearprotocol_group this one had around 9k members
Telegram: Contact @Near_protocolchart this one had around 14k members
Telegram: Contact @nearcrypto and this one had around 10k members

b. Telegram Metrics Analysis


Active users 4129 (15.57%) New users 14196 Avg. DAU 163 Avg. daily msgs. 259 Avg. hourly msgs. 11 Messages 7759


Active users 1077 (4.22%) New users 1827 Avg. DAU 71 Avg. daily msgs. 269 Avg. hourly msgs. 11 Messages 8325

As we can clearly see on the combot statistics above there is a drastic decrease in monthly active user and new user count. This is due to Aurora Quiz that took place on 9th of June. And I think the crypto market’s general condition also demoralized people from showing up into community channels. This bear market effect was seen in almost every crypto community channel. Daily average user count also decreased from 163 to 71 in July. But as we can see from the metric above, daily average message count and total message count didn’t decrease, instead increase which is showing us that staying members attended discussions and showed up more often in telegram channel. This data shows us that core Near Investors & Community Members are getting stronger in terms of social bounds.

This metric above helps us to understand the most active hours/days of the week so that we can be more focused on the busiest hours/days and follow other tasks the rest of times. As seen above from Tuesday to Saturday are the busiest days of the week and we need heavy moderation in between the hours 07.00am to 07.00pm.

c. Plans for oncoming weeks.

I will keep improving my knowledge about the Near Ecosystem and create & deliver better quality content to my audience. We will discuss new ways of getting in touch with new people, watch statistics and use them to help grow the Near Community in a healthy way. We will launch another Quiz event about Near’s Ref Finance and Skyward and fortify bot protection. I will keep adding more data to the Moderators FAQ list and help grow Near Ecosystem awareness in small local communities by running campaigns with my team.

Yunus Emre @Kripto_Raptor


Excellent work! It was extremely important to ban telegram fake groups!


thank you , yeah we managed it together. Strong Community!


I would love to hear your feedback too! @jcatnear @Grace @jlwaugh @chloe @mecsbecs @ross @3UN1C3 @JMaenen @David_NEAR @shreyas
Thank you everyone in advance.


The work you’re doing within the NEAR community is much appreciated :blush:. As someone who’s been lurking in the NEAR Telegram for quite a while now, the efficiency of the support being recieved from the chat has gone through a noticeable improvement.

The mod spreadsheet looks especially helpful for any community leader :eyes:!


Ahhh this is amazing! Having seen you around, at work, in the NEAR Official Channel has been so helpful and positive for the community without a doubt. Looking forward to more quiz events, and also for this look into what you do and all that goes into being an effective Telegram community moderator.

This is great best practice I’m seeing here that may even make its way into our social media channel playbooks currently in the works… :eyes: (cc: @jcatnear @JMaenen).


Work of art, hope it continues to grow and remain updated! :pray::pray::pray:


Thank you @KriptoRaptor this looks amazing. Your work and your initiative inspire us.


thank you very much. going to add short answers too (along with the links)

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yeah, much more on the way :slight_smile:
thanks for the feedback

thank you! I will add short explanations along with the links too. And probably double the list by the end of the month.

thanks for the comment :slight_smile:

Hi @KriptoRaptor
Thank you for sharing this great report!
Happy to hear about this progress, that you’ve taken up all these initiatives, and great news that we’ve gotten rid of the scammer channels.

In a normal situation, where we’re not actively promoting, the Telegram group is losing about 30 members on a daily basis. Besides the quizzes we’re organizing, are there any strategies we’re using to boost the number of new Telegram members organically? Are we thinking about ways to grow faster?

I have a few ideas in order to improve the Telegram group:

  • The pinned messages are frequently changing to highlight specific news. This is great, as it informs our members of the current most relevant information. However, after one, max two days, these pinned posts lose relevancy. New members joining the Telegram group will have to search really hard to find the standard welcome pinned message, which should be easily accessible for any newcomer. I suggest to plan a recurring standard welcome pinned message in Combot every 36 hours.
  • I would also like to suggest another way to funnel new Telegram members. Finding your place inside the NEAR ecosystem is complex, and we should make this process as easy as possible.
    There are 3 important target audiences inside the NEAR community:
  1. Developers
  2. Creators
  3. Token Holders
    I’m disregarding founders and validators, as they’re very niche.
    I would like to see a welcome message for every new person joining. In this welcome message, there will also be three buttons for each of the target audiences. Once the new user clicks the button, he gets redirected to a linktree for his own target audience. So if I’m a Creator, I click the Creators button and get forwarded to a list of relevant links, telegram groups, and social media accounts.

This strategy could simplify the way new members are being funneled through our ecosystem a lot, making the NEARverse less overwhelming, more accessible, and more exciting to new entrants.

It would be great to hear feedback, and I’d love to schedule a call next week to get this started.


Thanks for the feedback @JMaenen we actually have a recurring welcome message every 48 hours. I’ve just activated the ‘pin the recurring message’ function too!

And for new organic members, We have talked a couple of ideas with @jcatnear like running small AMA’s in local crypto talk communities but details haven’t been discussed yet. I am in every effort that supports organic growth of NEAR Social Channels.

You also said ’ I would also like to suggest another way to funnel new Telegram members.’ we actually have a disappearing (it disappears in 12 seconds to prevent crowd on the main chat) welcome message that pop ups for each new member who joins our telegram chat.
I wonder if we can code an interactive welcome panel as you said. That would be lovely!


Great stuff - awesome to see you on the floor in the channels almost 24/7 handling Community queries and allowing them to thrive :fire:

Further to @JMaenen’s message, I’d like to make a few suggestions for the Telegram channel(s):

Pinned Messages

Currently, there are 38 pinned messages in the NEAR Telegram


It’s convention to have a standard pinned message, where users can go to immediately upon joining if they wish, which contains:

  • Overview of what the Telegram channel is about/intro
  • Rules
  • Social media links
  • Admin list
  • (Optional) ‘Latest News’ section - this could also be in another pinned message, but IMO there should be a max of 2 pinned messages at any one time

The purpose of the pinned message is to act as a beacon for core Telegram channel info, or the latest news - but it’s best never to overcrowd IMO

Auto Moderation

I’m not sure what the current settings are on Combot, but have you encountered a number of users being removed from the channel by mistake?

I experienced this issue when I first joined a while back, my third/fourth(?) message contained a link, so it was an insta-ban.

Maybe this could be loosened up?

That being said, I totally get the need for tight controls. Telegram is a breeding ground for scammers and spammers.

Keep up the :fire:! :tada:

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thank you for sharing your opinions they are valuable!

Pinned/Recurring Messages

We actually have a welcome message that pops up each time new member joins and disappears in 13 seconds and a recurring welcome message in every 42hours (since last modification it was deactivated but now pins itself too, ty for the reminder)
we don’t want it to be too long to get new user distracted!
it includes:
-Dedicated telegram channel links
-Community Moderators contacts

to be added! (thanks for the feedback)
-Social media links

and for combot we have some security activated to prevent scammer/shiller spams
-Bans the user & deletes the message if first message contains a link
-Bans the user & deletes the message if first message is a forwarded message
-Kicks invited Telegram bots immediately
-And it restricts newcomers from sending media, links, web previews, polls for 2 hours.

After 2 hours you can send/share any media or links, combot won’t interfere anymore.

Auto Moderation

and since I joined (2nd week of July) I often check combot bans manually and out of hundreds of messages only one of them were needed to be fixed. It was a hasty friend that posted a link before 2hrs cooldown. And I removed him manually.
There were 2 more requests from you guys and we fixed them too.
so…bot 99% of the time behaving well, and helping us a lot :slight_smile:

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Great stuff :tada:

On the pinned messages front, I’d still recommend cleaning up the current backlog of pinned messages - nobody is going to click through 38, right?

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so right :slight_smile: thanks for the feedback again!

Hi @KriptoRaptor ,
Thanks for activating the “pin” function, this should be solved then!

We can discuss about potential ways to grow and the funnel strategy in a call if you’d like. I will contact you on Telegram to schedule something next week. If anyone else would like to join, let me know! Maybe @David_NEAR and @jcatnear ?

Re: David’s reply.
I don’t think we need to clean up the pinned messages, as it can be browsed to find relevant information. The standard pinned message will be repinned every 48 hours now, so it will now always be the first, second, and in very rare cases, for a short period, the third pinned message.

The unwanted kicks and bans that were previously happening, were 99% due to shieldy, that’s turned off now.

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Absolutely, I’ll jump in that call :100: