PROPOSAL: NEARWEEK NEWS Guild Funding June, 2022


Based on the May Report NEARWEEK is asking for $9800 to cover the following costs:

  • Content creation @Aria $4000
  • 3 x NEARWEEK agents, $1000 paid monthly
  • NW Translations to Chinese and Vietnamese, $100 pr translation pr week
  • NW infographics $1600

In this post for the months of March + April we outlined how funds are used for NW agents, translations and graphics. @Aria has been doing an impressive job ever since she joined NW and is currently contracting more and more content freelancers to ramp up on the content capabilities of NW publishing.

These are the content pieces currently outlined for June.
-A Complete Introduction to On-Chain Governance P.1
-A Complete Introduction to On-Chain Governance P.2
-5 Most Original Projects Building On NEAR
-Introducing Cornerstone, The Meta-Governance Protocol of The NEAR Ecosystem
-Aurora: A Platform For Next Generation DeFi
-5 Most Original Projects Building on Aurora

Let us know in case you have any questions.

All the best,


Hey guys,

Awesome work, as always, can you please fill out this form and shoot an invoice over to

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