PROPOSAL: NEARWEEK NEWS Guild Funding May, 2022

Ofc @David_NEAR !

@Aria is working as the editor of NW, this means she 1) writes herself and 2) assigns content pieces to writers. On average NW is publishing 2 pieces a week and these are the pieces currently planned for May 2022:

  • 03/05: Guide to Launch Pads in the NEAR Ecosystem
  • 06/05: NEARWEEK Perspectives - Ozymandius
  • 10/05: Datality
  • 12/05: Croncat
  • 17:05: A Guide to Borrowing and Lending on NEAR
  • 19/05: Privacy on the NEAR ecosystem

All of the payouts for content pieces that she enquires or puts out herself can be found here on the NW content DAO

1 Content piece is missing (NEARWEEK Perspectives: Ozymandius), as this was enquired by me and has already been paid for directly from wallet: Nearweek.near. Please see the transaction here

We have made a tiering system in order to payout writers according to experience:

Pricing Breakdown (x Word) Bonuses
Tier 1: $ 0,25 DeFi: + $0,10
Tier 2: $ 0.40 Interviews: + $0,05
Tier 3: $0,55 Guides/ Intros: + $ 0,05
Announcements: $0,15 fixed amount x word

All of the content pieces are promoted on NW Twitter and published on the NW medium page and in the future they will also be published on the new website. Here’s the archive page.

Besides the content pieces Arianna has been moderating the majority of our Twitter spaces, which amass to 1.5 a week.

Currently the NEARWEEK Agents include @TRENDHEO @Kv9990 and @anhtn512 . The agents take care of a range of different activities:

  • Managing NW Telegram group as admins
  • Drafting and publishing the “Daily Newsletter” in NW TG Group
  • Drafting the weekly newsletter from the proposals made for the NEWS DAO - They have each specialised within topics of the NW ecosystem in order to ensure content included is legitimate.
  • Posting news in the NEAR official Discord News channel
  • Helping out with content production for Twitter posts (Data for infographics and threads)
  • Transcribing interviews for article / content use
  • Daily operations ad hoc tasks

We’re currently very satisfied with their work. They have shown great willingness to take on work, autonomy and performance.

I hope to see their roles evolve as NW grows :crossed_fingers:t3:

Currently each NW newsletter/edition is translated into Chinese and Vietnamese. Each translation has been settled at a $100USD.

NEAR Vietnam Official TG is the largest NEAR group in Vietnam with 14,249 members. There are about 500-1000 people who will be reading each NEARWEEK edition in the group.

Also, each Vietnamese translation is shared on 2 major Vietnamese facebook groups about Near Protocol: NEAR Vietnam OfficiaI (11,190 followers) and the NEAR Protocol Vietnam Community (57,300 followers)

The translation is shared in NEAR China TG group (6000+ members) and NEAR Discord Group Chinese channel and within several Wechat groups (more than 1000+ people)

Example: 💙 NEARWEEK EDITION #47 💛. 💥一周生态的大事件 💥 | by NEAR中文社区 | Medium

The infographics are produced in house by @cudam321.near and include:

Please let me know if further expansion is required :globe_with_meridians: :cowboy_hat_face: