Proposal for Live With Big M for July 2022
The entire reggaedao team wishes to express our gratitude for everybody’s contributions to smooth running of the DAO for last month.
Live With Big M was an event we started in May and it received its sponsorship in due time too thereby making it possible to carry out and accomplish our various tasks.
This month promises to be even better.
We have made contact with A famous radio personality that hosts reggae programs and interviews reggae artistes on one of the most popular Nigerian Radio Stations called SPLASH FM.
His name is LORD KENNY.
Here is his profile
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This is a huge step for us and for this month, he will be hosting Live With Big M and two of reggaedao’s artistes will there with him too for their live performances.
This is a marketing strategy by the council members because we envisaged that
- Bringing Lord Kenny onboard will enable DAO artistes to have access to radio play, thereby ensuring broadcast of NEAR sponsored musical contents on radio stations, thereby expanding the horizon of NEAR and their sponsored activities.
- Lord Kenny, when fully onboarded, will also serve as a NEAR educator that can educate the general people about the ecosystem while on air. He will also be bringing in NEAR reggae artistes to his radio shows to talk about the ecosystem.
Studio Rental - $200
instrumentalists and audio staff - $250
Video production - $150
Graphics: $100 (ayomide2.near)
2 Performing Artistes:$65 each ($130)
Lehleh (Lehleh.near)
T.O.B.I Paradise (tobiparadise.near)
(The money for studio rental, audio production and instrumentalists and video production goes to @Omegadigi-world (omegadigi-world.near)
Radio Presenter: $70 (lordkenny.near)
Total: $900
Coordinator: Big M (fatokunmayowa.near)