[Proposal] Lisboa City Node August Staff Payout

We are requesting the August payout for the city node planning, meetings and starting implementation. This month the work has been mixed with the hacknode planning and implementation which is why the values are less than proposed initially. You can see the proposal, reporting and budget here: [Proposal] Lisbon Hackathon Aug-Sept 21

Work Delivered:

  • Assembling initial team and kick-off meetings
  • Advertising for developer position [ongoing]
  • Developing branding [ongoing]
  • Developing social media channels
  • In July & August we have been reaching out to organisations and have a few leads waiting for us to onboard
  • RAIZ farm already made a DAO and awaiting first meeting with ecosystem
  • Part 1 of the strategy meeting, link to report here

Team Members:
@halisonlp - 5 days
@TRosario - 5 days
@ericadoo - 2 days
@StevenR - 5 days

Total payout - 463.6NEAR

The funding is based on a value of 600NEAR per month per staff member. We understand there is a global ecosystem drive to convert all proposal values to $. Having discussed this as a group we would be happy to keep it in NEAR as we feel it helps to integrate our community into the ecosystem (and to crypto in general) but we will await feedback on how to continue.

Taget address: equipadoarroz.sputnikdao.near
10% of the total payout will be donated to the below project, 90% will be processed to the individuals [CALL FOR ACTION] Creating a Inter-Generational Creative Hub in a Rapidly Gentrifying World


Thanks for putting this together @StevenR

I am assuming that this is for city NODE activities alone and not for hacknode activities? (meaning that there will be another proposal for the hacknode?)

Either way, it would be great to get links added to this proposal providing more info on work done for each individual.

600N per month per staff member is currently $3200 a month, which isn’t outrageous, but without a clear outline of work done by each individual, it is difficult to assess if the funds are being efficiently used.

For example:

What advertising is being done here and who is doing it? What type of dev is needed/being looked for and are there lessons learned from the work already completed?

I have seen some branding work for the Lisbon city node personally, but again, some sort of link out to work done and by whom with ongoing plans attached would be helpful.

Which social channels and why? Are there specific short/medium/long term plans/strategies for these channels?

Is there a public repo of these organizations? How can organizations reach out if they want a partnership and what ways can they expect to receive support? Or, out of the companies already reached out to, are there lessons learned, plans for the next interactions to make them more efficient?

This is awesome, would appreciate more info here as well. What is the RAIZ farm all about, how do they plan on getting involved? Would be great to know if there was a timeline for this first meeting and potentially hopes/plans for what collaboration could look like.

Also, I am assuming the payout is being broken up equally based on the days worked by each individual, which is fine, but it would still be great to see the total amount that will be going to each near account (I see forum tags attached, but no near accounts) so that tracking is simpler in the future.

I will be requesting 500N from the Community Squad https://www.sputnik.fund/#/dao/communitysquad.sputnikdao.near in order to cover these expences. Assuming a 600N payout per month per person, (excluding the recent pump :stuck_out_tongue:) this seems like it would be ~2000-3000 USD a month per person. At current N prices, that between 170 - 250 N for this proposal to be split amongst the 4 of you. (my math may be a bit off so please correct me if I am wrong.

Even with the increase in price I am seeing it as ~340 N (total days worked = 17/30 at 600 N for 30 total days) 600 * 17/30 = 340

So can you please explain how the number of

was found? (again I am terrible at math so I could be wrong haha)


Hey Chloe, thanks for the fast response.

Yep, the hackathon budget is here. The staffing payments have already been processed on that :+1:t4:

Agree, @TRosario @halisonlp @ericadoo can you drop some links in the comments here to reporting of the work that’s been going on so far with the city node please?

We are advertising through our social media channels for a Web3 developer to join the team as described in this original post. Any help available eon the search would be appreciated as we don’t have a huge amount of expertise here.

Yep, the first meeting is on Tuesday with Rebecca - if you’ve like to come you’d be most welcome. Shortly after that we’re expecting them to make their first post on the forum and introduce themselves.

I understand but I think its worth considering that by being paid in a regularly fluctuating currency we’re taking on risk that it could also (touch wood) dump.

Sure, so total time was 17 days. Based on an average of 22 working days per month and 600N per month. (600/22)*17 = 463.6N

Let me know thoughts, and I’ll grab them on Monday or if i’m online over the weekend. Happy Friday :sun_with_face:


Thank you for the prompt response @StevenR, it is much clearer now and I am looking forward to seeing specific replies from members who collaborated with the specific tasks that they accomplished over the past couple of weeks.

On this point:

it could also pump quite a bit as well. I see no issue in the month of August being paid out at the 600N rate, but would be interested in how that number is derived for future months. Maybe it would be good to get a proposal indicating the planned monthly payout rate for September so it is clearer?

Thanks for the clarification here as well. Is the plan to have 5 full-time staff for the month of September then, each earning ~4000 USD a month in NEAR? Getting clarification here is quite important IMO. cc @Grace / @shreyas

To be clear, I am quite certain that I have never approved any $ or N valuation for the roles outlined here: [Key Roles] Outlining the Key Roles Needed to Run Lis-Node

Considering the City Nodes DAO is currently created with a balance of 10N, it will be @Grace who is approving the budget for this and evaluating if the work outlined matches the perceived value to the NEAR community.

I understand that this proposal for the

is for August and should be discussed first. It is also already the 3rd of September, so I feel is it quite important that we are all on the same page before things progress too much further.

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(Updated to clarify the Tasks and work done for each of the team member)

Here is the report of work for the Lisbon City Node for August.


  • 11th: Meeting with @StevenR to set up our roles.

  • 12th - 17th: Preparation of a schedule and first drafts of Lisbon City Node
    (Work done @TRosario / @halisonlp )

    • Google Drive Folder Creation
    • Creation of a documentation with Links for all the info regarding Lisbon City Node
    • Email Sent with all the details created
  • 18th: Creation of social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Discord and Twitter.
    (Work done @TRosario / @halisonlp )

    • Facebook / Instagram / Telegram / Discord / Twitter
    • Artwork Received from @ericadoo for creation
    • Descriptions, links and texts added for all the social media
    • Internet solution contacts first established
    • Post on Forum presenting the Lisbon City Node
  • 19th - 29th: Working for the Hackathon
    (Work done @TRosario / @halisonlp )

  • 30th: Meeting with Rebbeca, Chloe and Steven to clarify what’s the City Node and Hack Node

  • 31st: Physical presence for the Hackathon in Arroz Estúdios 10h to 18h
    (Work done @TRosario / @halisonlp / @StevenR )

    • Monthly Report
    • Meeting for the Lisbon City Node <> Strategy and Ideation (pt.1)

Hey you all! :smiley:

As @TRosario mentioned, for the monthly report of August, we’ve done most of the work together. As we are doing our first steps into the field, discovering and understanding, we didn’t split much of our work because it felt right to do like that and having each other’s back in any case of not knowing what to do for the next step.
Sure we’ll be more clear in what each of us is doing and keep posting, updating and delivering the best we can do for the Ecosystem.
The meeting today was good and we could clarify a bit more, as always! Thank you @chloe and @mecsbecs for the patience and understanding!

We’re looking forward for the next meeting to bring you news!!


Hello! I’ve been doing graphics to @halisonlp and @TRosario for the Lisbon Hackathon event, including:

  • Banners announcing the event, formatted for Facebook, Instagram, and print

  • Banners for the kick-off, formatted for Facebook and print

  • Two sets of social media templates for posting updates, information, and events within the Hackathon

  • Banners for the closing day, formatted for Facebook and print

I’m also starting work on the general City Node branding guidelines (I’ve already designed a Lisbon City Node logo) for which I will make a separate post!

Thanks @chloe and @mecsbecs :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


hello all,

happy to see things are moving :slight_smile:
Just a brief comment, however, as I think, moving forward, the Hacknode and the Lisbon City Node are not ‘one thing’ but ‘two things’, managed by two different entities (even if they overlap in some areas and some council members).

So, i think it would be reasonable to find ways to make this distinction clear, both to the community at large and to everyone directly involved.

I commend those involved with the activities being developed, but, for example, I think something like the Lisbon City Node logo or branding should go through the approval of the council of the City Node, and not only when it’s a finished product.

I understand that this happens out of enthusiasm and the willingness to develop a great community, plus a strange adaptation period, but we can’t jump over important steps. In my opinion, the community must be engaged in growing the Lisbon City Node with the council and current staff, and not just be some kind of passive ‘public’ or ‘consumer’.

By what I have seen from @ericadoo’s work I think the logo and branding of the city node would be in great hands, but would like that matters like these, moving forward, are discussed between the council. @StevenR @tabear @Grace, otherwise how can we vote on good conscience when the payout proposals start being posted on our Sputnik?


I talked to fellow council member @tabear and it came to my attention that some of these activities were already discussed by the previous iteration of this council. So, I understand how this projects came to be!

However, coming from other DAOs, in which the processes are a bit more streamlined, I find it difficult to wrap my head around things if there are no monthly budgets, if the projects are not subject to the current council discussion and if there is no engagement with the community as a whole.

With that, I see there is room for improvement for all of us and as a group. I would like things like the following to become clearer from now on (and that might mean another round of meetings with @chloe @mecsbecs @Grace @shreyas) :

  1. what processes survive from the previous iteration of the Lisbon City Node to this one; are they already approved and funded, or are they subject to the new council?
  2. how to apply for funding
  3. how much is available and what for
  4. how to streamline the funding request + report cycle
  5. The openness of this Lisbon City Node (i.e., who is expected to participate and in what roles)
  6. council roles (passive vs active engagement)

If these are clearer I feel everyone’s job will be easier and the community will profit. These are just normal growing pains, actually needed for a stronger and better community to emerge.


oops! It seems I left my comment on the wrong post. I’ll move the comment to the appropriate post regarding the Hackathon work.

About the City Node branding - I have made a logo and have started a branding guidelines packet, but I will put that work on hold for the moment while things get worked out. I’m happy to do the graphics for this if it’s needed, and have no problem stepping back if it’s not. I’m looking forward to hearing how everything develops and moves forward :slightly_smiling_face: