[PROPOSAL] Liberation Wellness DAO - Movie & NFT Night - June 2022

Liberation Wellness DAO onboarding event Funding Request

Target: liberation-wellness.sputnik-dao.near

Total Requested Funding Amount: $1100

Introduction and Roadmap

Oakland, CA @ Liberation Wellness BioHacker House

TBD between June 23rd-26th

Hosts: Liberationra.near @Liberation.Ra Goddessvenus.near @Goddessvenus Tamholistic.near @tamholistic

Our previous approved DAO meetup event alongside Primordia DAO & KIN DAO: http://gov.near.org/t/proposal-primordia-dao-i-dao-creative-mixer-i-may-2022/20203

May report including info on DAO event: http://gov.near.org/t/report-liberation-wellness-dao-i-may-2022/22639

Our DAO mixer and AMA hosted alongside Primordia DAO and Kin DAO was a great success and onboarded new people and a new DAO into the Near ecosystem. It has become increasingly clear that there is a craving from local community for more engagement, in-person events and community interaction around the crypto space and DAO world. For many, having an opportunity to interact and learn in person from trusted community members is the biggest block that prevents people from adopting. Many move past hesitation and ease into adoption quickly once the use is made tangible to them.

Liberation wellness DAO alongside KIN DAO and Primordia DAO is optimally positioned in the East Bay, CA to introduce professionals and creatives to near protocol and onboard them into the space through practical use and real world application.

Liberation Wellness DAO is hosting a Movie & NFT Night at our BioHacker House:

  • This will be an opportunity for those currently in the crypto and DAO world as well as those interested in it to network and learn more.
  • wallet set up
  • demonstrations & walkthroughs
  • Live community discussion on adaptability and utility of NFTS in real world application
  • NFT’s giveaway to all guests for “proof of attendance”
  • Food & drink
  • End the night with a movie via projector.
  • Attendees will be given proof of attendance NFT minted by liberation wellness DAO. (stylized images of our two resident mascots, a siberian husky named isis and cat named nefertiti)

Budget Total: $1100

  • $750 ($250 x3 presenters) - Facilitation, Presentation, Conversation Moderation & Space hosting
  • $250 - Photographer and videographer to document the event and create content for future events
  • $100 - for new wallet onboarding
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We have #onboarding-dao to fund some onboarding events, maybe you can get in touch with them > Telegram: Contact @onboardingdao


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Thank you. 2 of 3 of our team came down with covid so we had to postpone. We will reach out when we’re able to reschedule!