[PROPOSAL] An open economy multi title metaverse


We are a game development studio called Supa Doge with three projects in the pipeline. First releasing in September 2022, with two more in 2023. Our founding team previously ventured into the crypto world on several occasions.

We previously developed a trading terminal for NFTs, p2e titles including VR. Our mission always was to create a new dominant business model in gaming that will replace free-to-play.

To create a viable business model we have to overcome several challenges of p2e games:

  1. Lack of long-term sustainable models on the market
  2. Extremely expensive audience
  3. P2E mechanics are contrary to what gamers find fun

Previous solutions

We encountered these issues before and tried to solve them by designing a trading system for gaming NFTs. However, this approach does not provide content as it is very complicated to onboard gaming companies since they need to design economies in a completely new way that does not provide short-term results for web2 games.

Our solution?

Creating a metaverse on top of the existing pool of games with paying audiences with a native game design.

Doing so in a partnership with a publisher will make our main title a source of traffic with a highly compatible audience which in turn will cut the marketing budget in half while selling the same amount of NFTs.

By publishing titles in a traditional web2 manner, we will be able to implement familiar mechanics and produce successful titles interlacing them with web3 designed events. Players will be able to participate in events in-game which will yield NFT and token rewards.

This lowers the barriers of entry and players can seamlessly transition between the game and it’s NFT extension.

How does it work?

  1. 12-month in-game event with tokens emitted through the gameplay with monthly pre-sale.
  2. Players will mint by collecting NFTs in endless dungeons receiving a tradeable item and additional content
  3. Tokens can be used to create player-owned game instances and mine more currency from visiting players
  4. Completing the event and stabilizing the audience will shift tokens into a cross-game commodity.
  5. A secondary market is created.

What’s next? A metaverse

The Prime NFT event will start in December 2022. Supa Doge is currently developing 3 titles with releases in 2023.

When the pre-sale is over, players receive an airdrop of two new games for the same publisher. The NFT event transfers over to the other games. This stage will take place in Q4 2023.

Tokens are no longer minted and are now a cross-game currency.

We are looking for NEAR 20000 to:

  1. Complete gameplay for the web-3 internal event
  2. Deliver a build with a complete playthrough of the basic TGE event
  3. Complete 1st iteration of the blockchain environment
  4. Revive our trading engine

Project current status

Our first title is in its beta stage with other titles completing pre-production.

We are currently staffing our second production team with development personnel set to reach 30 people in the next quarter.

Goals with NEAR

As our primary focus, as founders are to provide a faster and better way of open economies in games we find that in partnership with NEAR we can bring more gamers to the platform and its products. Partnering up with NEAR, human guild, and some projects on the inside of the ecosystem we can deliver on our vision and truly shift the market!



Sounds super neat, who are you making this proposal to? Human Guild?

Hi, yes, a great opportunity! We’re due for a convo about it soon!

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Hey, I would like to connect you with projects. What kind of project you would like to partner with in the Near ecosystem? And do you already have a plan of what the partnership could look like?