Proponent: Paulo Vitor Previatto
NEAR account for payment: pvpreviatto.near
Duration: 15 days (by 19th September to 3rd October)
Requested Amount: 630 USD in NEAR/DAI
Project name: 3 E-books and Notívaga Dramaturgy Festival - 20 years of Notívagos Burlescos
Create 3 NFTs e-books with 3 plays by Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos through the publisher NADA DAO, which will be launched in a dramatic reading festival with three consecutive days, in celebration of the group’s 20 years of existence. The readings will take place in person at the GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura and online broadcast on the NEAR Hub and Youtube.
Our idea is to carry out in this month of September the creation of 3 NFTs e-books containing 3 plays from the repertoire of the Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos, which will be read and disseminated at the “Festival de Dramaturgia Notívaga - 20 years of Notívagos Burlescos”, held in commemoration of the group’s 20th anniversary, that is, a great literary celebration and of writers who composed or who make up the group today.
Through the dramatic reading of plays from our repertoire, we will reveal to the public a part of the history of the Notívagos Burlescos, which has a long history of artistic productions in the city, with which it also gave voice to historical characters of the city, such as Santa Ana Rosa, for example. In addition, the event will contribute to continue designing the NEAR ecosystem in the region, promoting its brand as a promoter of creative actions and a developer of solutions for web3 and blockchain.O evento presencial acontecerá no “GARAGE - Espaço Cultural”, que está se firmando como um espaço cultural alternativo, onde o público já o reconhece como estimulador da literatura e do teatro na cidade vinculado à web3.
Originally the project was designed to be MultiDAO, but as the funding by the Writer’s Guild is uncertain, we made adjustments so that it could take place through NADA DAO, as the constant activities of the Burlesque Night owls in the GARAGE, has attracted an increasing number of people who , consequently, has become more interested in the NEAR ecosystem. In the same way, the presentations of the plot readings have contributed to strengthen the integration of web3 with the physical world, also helping to demystify for the public the idea of being a difficult tool to be used or distant from reality. In other words, it has gradually strengthened the image of NEAR as an instrument to support the most diverse artistic initiatives on the web.
Funding proposal for NADA DAO:
Our proposal for NADA DAO is to contribute to the production of the festival itself and the creation of the three e-books of the texts read during the festival. Below we describe a little more about each action of this proposal.
As a way to diversify the records generated by the festival and strengthen the targeting of the public towards the NEAR ecosystem, we chose to create three NFTs e-books with the texts being read during the festival.
The texts selected for dramatic readings and to be published in e-book format are by playwrights who were or are part of the Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos, and represent different phases of the association’s history, so the selection of texts that we made has some particularities. and specific objectives.
1º E-BOOK - The first text is “Ana Rosa” (2005) by Robert Coelho, founder of Notívagos Burlescos. The play tells the story of a woman who at the end of the 19th century ends up being killed in a very violent way and becomes a kind of popular saint of the city of Botucatu. We even believe that reading her will reach a wide and diverse audience, as her story is well known in the city.
2º E-BOOK - The second text is “Chronicles of a chronic killer” (2005) by Marcos Mendes Maciel, who was also a very active member of the group and who is currently studying film scripts. The peculiarity of his text for us is that it is a monologue and it was a play that was quite successful in the years it was staged, still remaining in the memories of many people in the city.
3º E-BOOK – The third work that will be read is not yet defined, but it will be a work by João Alves, who has been a member of Notívagos since its inception and continues to make a career in theater in São Paulo, in the state capital, and with good projection among the capital’s artists.
We also remind you that all the actions foreseen in the project, when they are disclosed and shared on the networks, will always have the mention of Near Protocol, NEAR and NADA DAO.
With the festival and the publication of the works, it is also intended to carry out the onboard of the 03 authors in the NEAR ecosystem and create their NEAR Wallets, so that they can receive the royalties and contribute to the development of the ecosystem as a whole.
On each day of the festival, one of the texts that will be coined as an NFT e-book will be read, at NADA DAO.
Every day of dramatic reading held at the festival will take place at the GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura and will be broadcast live by the NEAR Hub, Youtube and social networks (Instagram and/or Facebook) of Notívagos Burlescos and, if possible, also through the channels of the GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura, which will be hosting the event in person.
As Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos is one of the few collectives in the region to maintain actions related to literature and theater in the region, with a trajectory in the theatrical language in the city, and one of the only theater groups to act on the web3; We believe that the event will mobilize around 30 people in person and 50 people online, per day of the event. Totaling approximately 240 people.
September, 19th at octuber, 2nd - Promotion of the project on social media;
September, 19th at 22th - Contact with the actors and reading rehearsals;
September, 30th, octuber, 1st and 2nd - Dramaturgy festival in person and with online transmission;
September, 22th at october, 6th - Completion of the magazine and minting the magazine on the NADA DAO mintbase;
October, 3rd - Final report on forum.
40 USD in NEAR/DAI rent for space (to @pvpreviatto);
240 USD in NEAR/DAI to the actors of the dramatic reading ($60 x 4 actors, per 3 days of job);
60 USD in NEAR/DAI to live streaming (20 x 3 streaming);
120 USD in NEAR/DAI for participation of 3 authors and copyright ($60 x 3 authors);
120 USD in NEAR/DAI to diagramming and art to social media and e-book ($40 x 3 e-books to @johnfaus).
50 USD in NEAR/DAI to art creation to social media (to @johnfaus)
Total: 630 USD
The onboard of the authors and participants of the event that they wish will be done by NADA DAO.
Final Deliveries
- Creation of 3 NFTs e-books with plays, minted in the NADA DAO mintbase;
- Three days of dramatic readings were held at an in-person dramaturgy festival, at GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura, in the city of Botucatu, São Paulo;
- Live transmission of the dramatic readings via NEAR Hub, Youtube and social networks (Instagram and/or Facebook) by Notívagos Burlescos and GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura.
Additional benefits
- Expansion of NADA DAO and NEAR ecosystem promotion and dissemination actions in Brazil;
- Onboard of 3 theater authors, and eventual participants, in the NEAR ecosystem;
- Dissemination of NEAR Hub and Mintbase as tools for creative productions on the web3.
P.s: We restructured the project, so that it could be made viable and contribute more to the ecosystem, making better use of its Dapps and, consequently, promoting the ecosystem more.