[Introduction] Notívagos Burlescos DAO



Hello guys!
How are you?

I’m here to introduce you to Notívagos Burlescos DAO, the web3 manifestation of Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos, a theater-oriented cultural institution based in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Below we talk a little about who we are, what we intend and how we think about acting on web3, in order to promote theater and spread the NEAR ecosystem in our region. Hope you like it!



Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos is a civil society organization based in the city of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil - in the interior of the state. Throughout its 20 years of history, the institution has maintained actions that have contributed to the formation of audiences and theater professionals such as actors, directors and playwrights. Professionals who are currently in several cities in the region, in the city of São Paulo and even abroad. The Notívagos Burlescos has always played a role as an “artistic incubator” and libertarian (in poetic terms) in the region, being historically recognized by generations of artists.

The institution began in 2002 as a theater group and, over the years, has established itself as an important cultural and artistic center in the region. Although the theatrical language is the main focus, other artistic manifestations such as literature, cinema and music were also explored. These actions were related to the creation of shows, workshops, conversation circles and integration between the arts - something very characteristic and inherent to the theatrical language.

The group has always had a strong characteristic of adapting and dialoguing with the times and the public with which it is working. In this aspect, we feel that our performance within the NEAR ecosystem was fluid and pleasant. The actions that we have been proposing have helped us to see the countless possibilities of action that a theater group can have within the web3 and, thanks to NEAR, we are being encouraged to produce more and seek more engagement, interaction and diversification in the proposals, both in person and virtual.

Until then, our proposals have been limited to taking place within the Writer’s Guild, which has welcomed us and invested in all our projects so far (we are very grateful!). However, we feel the need to create Notívagos Burlescos DAO so that we can expand our actions and, consequently, the reach of NEAR to other audiences and artists focused on the theatrical language, here in the interior of São Paulo. And that’s what we came to present to you.



The main objective of Notívagos Burlescos DAO within the NEAR ecosystem will be to promote theater on web3 and in the interior of São Paulo, more specifically in the Botucatu region. Focused on expanding theater within the NEAR ecosystem and expanding the ecosystem into the physical world, through theater.

We will support and encourage the actions of the Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos and of artists and theater groups, whether amateurs or professionals, from the Botucatu region. Thus, we will work with audience formation through our pedagogical initiatives, such as workshops and shows; with the professionalization of aspiring theater artists and, consequently, with the diffusion of the language in the region, through our artistic productions.

But, in addition to that, we want to expand our presence both on the traditional web and on the web3, which will also lead us to invest in technological solutions that make the theater more interesting to the virtual format.
And, as theater is naturally an integration language for other languages, we also want to maintain and propose actions together with other DAOs.



The decision to delimit our physical scope to the Botucatu region is to ensure a strategic positioning within the interior of the state of São Paulo, a region that often lacks language stimuli, but has a large number of professionals. Thus, in the course of our actions, we intend to carry out onboard professionals within NEAR and in our DAO so that we can deliberate the use of funds with other members and partners of the Association within the NEAR ecosystem itself.
We already have a development and financial sustainability plan prepared a few years ago, but it was only possible to start thanks to NEAR. But despite the support that NEAR will give us, we will seek to diversify our funding sources with regional, state and federal public notices and contracts; in addition to membership.

Now, in relation to sustainability within the web3, we will continue to maintain our initiatives of producing content with a focus on the ecosystem and the creation of products in NFT, such as: e-books, shows and dramatic readings with transmissions or virtual hosting, sale of tickets via cryptocurrency, among other alternatives that we identify.



Those who have already had the opportunity to participate in a theater group or in a theatrical production know that the creative process within this artistic language is dilated, developing in different stages until it is ripe to occupy the stages or the streets, becoming, in general, lengthy and costly processes.

In this way, we elaborate a management strategy that foresees the accomplishment of the work stages in ranges of values, where each proposal can be requested to attend a specific stage of the theatrical creation process. However, they can be requested for a certain number of consecutive times, depending on the size of the global project, which will allow the acceptance of several proposals, even if they have different durations and sizes.



Since 2008, Notívagos Burlescos are a for-profit association, that is, we are a formalized cultural institution, with an elected board and everything else. Although there are approximately 09 active members on the board, we have managed to onboard the ecosystem of 03 members so far, namely: @johnfaus, @eliaspintanel and @pvpreviatto. The same members will compose the founding board of Notívagos Burlescos DAO.

Below we leave their resumes:


Johnny Faustino - @johnfaus

Graduated in Performing Arts at the University of the Sacred Heart (USC/2017). He attended the Dramaturgy Center (2013) at ELT – Santo André. He was Advisor – Intern of the Ademar Guerra Program (2016 and 2017 editions). Actor, since 2009, at Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos in Botucatu. He acted in the show “Fidelis” by Robert Coelho, presented in the circulation phase of Mapa Cultural Paulista (2012). Awarded as Best Actor and Best Original Text at the 3rd FESTIMBAU (2013), with the scene “Cosmonaut”. Acted in “Checkmate!” (2014), with Nucleus 7, covered by PROAC 13/2013. Also in 2013, he received an Honorable Mention in the Mapa Cultural Paulista for the photographs “O Arquiteto”, “O Naufrágo” and “O Oráculo”. He was executive producer and assistant director of the show “Pança” (2017), written by Léo Lama, directed by Robert Coelho; screened at Teatro de Arena Eugênio Kusnet (2018), Teatro Glauce Rocha (2018) and Centro Cultural São Paulo (2019). In 2018, he participates in the “Éramos Cinco Milhões” project, an artistic installation contemplated by ProAc 16/2018, illustrating the publicity material with his works from the digital collage project “Alvorada Negra”. In the same year, he was awarded at the IV Festival Cena Teatral Taperá, in Salto, with the short scene “Varado de Chuva – A Fome Entre Nós”, in the categories: best scenic accessory, best visagism and revelation scene. In 2022, he performs the dramatic reading of the “Latin American Trilogy”, which brings together texts by Elias Pintanel and Johnny Faustino, and was encouraged by the cryptocurrency network “NEAR Protocol”.


Elias Pintanel - @eliaspintanel

Elias Pintanel (1991) is an actor, director, playwright and theater teacher. He likes the written word and he likes it being used on stage, in movies, in streaming, or wherever. He studies and explores in his work the relationship between critical theater, society and life, but linked with elements of everyday life, the popular, the exchange carried out in everyday life on the streets and in personal relationships. His works present the relationship between the poetic and the grotesque, satire and scathing criticism, acid humor and subtlety. In 2022, he created texts that gained air not only on stage, but on technological platforms such as streaming, blockchain, NTFs, e-books and NEAR. He has a master’s degree in Performing Arts from UNICAMP (2017), but he learns much more in practice and in the relationship with spectators, whether in person or virtual.


Paulo Vitor Previatto - @pvpreviatto

Cultural producer, actor and musician. Graduated in Cultural Production from Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ (2011-2018). Technician in Choral Conducting by the Tatuí Conservatory (2017-2018). He studied Artistic Promotion and Heritage at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal/PT, during a student exchange (2014/2015) and participated in the Cultural Management and Policies Course, by the Itaú Cultural Institute and the São Paulo State Department of Culture (2013). He produced the “Music and Dance Fair” of the Artistic Training Center of the Rio das Ostras de Cultura Foundation (2014). In São Paulo, he designed the dance show “Toda Futilidade”, by Cia dos Tortos (2016), produced the play “O Desconhecido”, directed by Carlos Ribeiro (2016), by Associação Teatral Notívagos Burlescos and performed the executive production from the musical “brasil”, by Cia Pitty Webo. In Botucatu, he performed the executive production of the musical show “SEIS”, produced by Café das 5 (2016), worked as a project producer and manager of Espaço NAV de Arte e Cultura (2018-2019). In partnership with Zuku!tura – Produção Cultural, he produced the theatrical solo “Num Piscar de Olhos”, together with Cia Poética (2019), and the show “Ópera do Malandro” (2019), at the Art School Artists S/A. He is currently the owner and manager of GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura and General Producer of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Botucatu Institute of Biosciences (OFIBB), at Unesp.


ROAD MAP (Draft)

The DAO Road Map is still under development, but we intend to present a definitive version that includes the actions of the 12 months of 2023 until December of this year. However, here we present a draft that accompanies the initiatives that we plan to start now in 2022, but that we will also restructure according to the new opportunities that we see over the months.

● DAO Creation (Introduction on Forum and profile on Astro);
● Start of roadmapping.

● 1st Funding Request for Creatives
● 1st cycle of “Leituras de Quinta” (dramatic readings by other authors with open call and live broadcast);
● Podcast “Dramatic Dialogues (episodes 9 to 12 and marketing strategies);
● Theater Writing Laboratory (first month of classes with live drama reading);
● Twitter account creation;
● Website and online store creation;
● Social media restructuring.

● 2nd Funding Request for Creatives
● 2nd cycle of “Leituras de Quinta” (dramatic readings by other authors with open call and live broadcast);
● Podcast “Dramatic Dialogues (episodes 13 to 16 and marketing strategies);
● Theater Writing Laboratory (second month of classes with live dramatic reading);
● Actions to publicize the NEAR ecosystem in the Botucatu region (lectures, mentorships, workshops, etc.);
● Website and online store updates;
● Marketing services.

● 3rd Funding Request for Creatives
● 3rd cycle of “Leituras de Quinta” (dramatic readings by other authors with open call and live broadcast);
● Podcast “Dramatic Dialogues” (episodes 17 to 20 and marketing strategies);
● Theater Writing Laboratory (third month of classes with live dramatic reading and minting of an NFT e-book);
● Beginning of the theater show assembly process;
● Opening of registrations for “Theatrical Editing Workshop”;
● “Impulse Act – Theme: Desire” (dramatic challenge with guest authors, with live dramatic reading and minting of an NFT e-book);
● Actions to publicize the NEAR ecosystem in the Botucatu region (lectures, mentorships, workshops, etc.);
● Marketing services;
● Roadmap v1.0.



We entered the NEAR ecosystem in the first half of this year through Writer’s Guild, where we have since carried out actions that were in person at the “GARAGE - Espaço de Cultural” in Botucatu/SP, Brazil; and which at the same time were all streamed online through our channels and the Writer’s Guild channels.
The actions ranged from the creation of dramatic texts with subsequent reading of them, such as the creation of a podcast with writers for theater in the country, a poetry contest, and the creation of e-books (which are on Mintbase).
For greater knowledge of the projects, follow their link with the completion reports.



  • Latin American dramaturgy trilogy (May, 2022)
  • Dramatic Conversations | podcast, part 1 (July 2022)



  • Dramaturgy Workshop (June, 2022)
  • Latin American dramaturgy comedy trilogy (August, 2022)



  • Soiree of Notívagos | 10th Edition (July, 2022):


Blog: http://notivagosburlescos.blogspot.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/notivagosburlescos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/notivagosteatrais/
Medium: Notívagos Burlescos – Medium
Facebook: Notívagos Burlescos
I make myself available for any clarifications and/or reformulations. Thank you very much for your attention!

Notívagos Burlescos DAO Team