Hello Community, Happy New Month with love. It is my humble self again; Roxy The Entertainer, Film Maker and Drama Practitioner; Co-founder of Thespians DAO.
I have been onboarding different new NEARians since March 2022 and most times when I participate in Thespians DAO Drama Events we always have a large turn up. The least we have experienced are more than 30 attendees.
Before our Stage Drama Presentation, we always take out an hour of our time to interact and teach the audience about Web3 and onboard them into the NEAR Ecosystem by opening wallets for as many audience ad we can. There is always a challenge, and that is linking them all to other platforms like the NEAR forum, our social media handles and all they need to be in; because opening of wallets always take much of the time because of its security phases and reasons. And wallet opening seems to be the most important thing; but I believe them participating in other of our platforms assures us of their consistency.
This is my question (observation), is there any way the forum could be registered using our customized NEAR wallet address; this will allow easy sign up during Onboarding Classes, and if such things exist - we will like to learn more.
For example, I have onboarded Mr. Kelvin and opened a NEAR wallet for him, I want him to be able to use his NEAR wallet address to sign up on the NEAR forum; just like Astro DAO and Ref Finance (and other DApps on NEAR works); so that I can just open wallet for you and tell you to visit gov.near.org and drop in your wallet address to sign up (with one or two of your passphrase).
Does this look possible?
Does it sound important?
And how can we achieve that?
Ofc there’s a way. But as other entities and blockchain it’s normal for a forum to be presented in this manner, cause getting a forum account is really not a complex procedure.
If you love the idea of login to the forum with your near wallet not 100% sure but all other activities would be linked to the wallet on forum , meaning if you want to make a comment on forum you would also need to connect to your wallet, if you want to like a comment you would also need to connect to your wallet any activity done if what you’re suggesting gets to happen you would need to connect to your wallet.
Heard about Nearsocial, it’s a prove of humanity social platforms…… all activities requires approval from your wallet. You can check it out
I believe with more improvement and pragmatic upgrade Nearsocial can give you what you ask for.
Anyone can chime in, happy new month big ups
Sure, I’ll shake the branches and see what’s the verdict.
That’s how Commonwealth works, and they claim to “combines the core functionality of Discourse” among other things, so we might not have to (entirely) reinvent the wheel here.
Me mentioning them wasn’t to foreshadow a push to migrate or to adopt, but to suggest that creating a new plugin for Discourse (which will be needed to enable a wallet login option) might not be a huge coding challenge, as we can either interface with folks from Commonwealth
“In the long run, Commonwealth content (along with the permissionless smart contracts) will be totally decentralized, allowing any developer to interact with all members, roles, posts allowing developers to create new front-ends.
In the short term, if you’d like access to our API, please reach out …”
or just take a look from the outside to get an idea how they solved for this.
Another possible option would be to use some of the existing onboarding tools we have on the ecosystem -
Satori allows you to onboard people by giving them a wallet, proof of attendance NFT, etc. That way all wallets, attendees are registered on your database for your event which you can then share later, or retarget on a separate campaign.
Keypom allows you to issue to tickets to your events on-chain, which then creates a lot of possibilities around keeping track of guests but also creating them a wallet, sending them NFTs even after the event concludes, etc.