14.06 - 20.06

  1. Conducted a survey in the community group to find out the priorities of community development and content creation. Analyzed the results of the survey. Got a few insight. (Growth, Engagement)

  2. Discussed the NEAR conference that one of the Russian-speaking NEAR adepts wanted to organize. For now, it was decided to look for other people’s conferences or opportunities to present NEAR somewhere else. (Growth, Engagement)

  3. Got in touch with one of the Russian-language media (“Incrypted” - Telegram, website, YouTube). Discussed the possibility of an AMA session and further cooperation. Starting to organize the AMA session. (Growth)

  4. Tried to discuss potential contests for the community with the team, but received no feedback. (Growth, Engagement)

1 Like

Plan 21.06 - 27.06


Progress (last week, look at my previous reply)

  1. Survey (conducting and analyzing)
  2. Discussion about potential NEAR conference
  3. Discussion of the terms of the AMA session in “Incrypted” media
  4. Discussion of potential contests

Priorities (for next week)

  1. Choosing the date of the ama session
  2. Continue to try to discuss with team contests for the community (choose a type of contest, agree on conditions, make an announcement)
  3. Discuss the results of the survey with the team and choose directions for further development


  1. Slow communication with team (for discussion of potential contests)


Progress (last week, look at my previous reply)

  1. Survey (conducting and analyzing)
  2. Discussion about potential NEAR conference
  3. Discussion of potential contests

Priorities (for next week)

  1. Continue to try to discuss with team contests for the community (choose a type of contest, agree on conditions, make an announcement)
  2. Publish an article about the Berry Club as part of the grant
  3. Discuss the results of the survey with the team and choose directions for further development


  1. Slow communication with team (for discussion of potential contests)
1 Like

28.06 - 04.07

Progress (last week)

  1. Discussing of working issues on AMA-session in the Incrypted media. Agreed on a budget for the contest of $500 and the date of the AMA - 1 July 18.00 MSK
  2. Prepared the contest for the community. It will be a simple retweet contest for our latest post about earning $NEAR in the Ru-guild. The goal is to spread the post among Russian-speaking Twitter and attract content authors.

Priorities (for next week)

  1. AMA session in Incrypted media
  2. Creation a task list with a description of needed content (apps reviews, articles, video, etc) and the reward amount for each of the tasks. It is the part of preparing retweet contest
  3. Google form for retweet contest
  4. Retweet contest announcement


Progress (last week)

  1. Wrote and published “How to earn $NEAR in the Ru-guild” post
  2. Engaged a man to write an article about the Berry Club as part of a grant
  3. Reviewed draft of this article
  4. Engaged a man to create a video review for YouTube about Ref Finance. Unfortunately, the guy could not figure it out.
  5. Found the guy who wrote the article about NEAR Crowd (ENG, RU) and helped him to get the grant for this

Priorities (for next week)

  1. Review and publish an article about the Berry Club as part of the grant
  2. See above about the retweet contest


  1. The need to carefully review content created by authors
1 Like

Sounds like a good first step! @Sofia_Alum and the Sandbox team can help if needed.

If you have an English version of the analysis, I’d love to take a look. Would be great to see what the people in the community are looking for and how we can help them.

@garikbesson @shreyas I would love to take a look at the list when it is there, maybe there are some insights that the OWS Team had not have yet. @garikbesson lemme if you’d like to chat soon !

05.07 - 11.07

Progress (last week)

  1. AMA session in Incrypted media (~30-50 new members)
  2. Creation of the task list with a description of needed content (apps reviews, articles, video, etc) and the reward amount for each of the tasks. It is part of preparing a retweet contest. In general, I have settled on a list of applications that we need an overview of. Currently in the negotiation phase.

Priorities (for next week)

  1. Google form for retweet contest
  2. Retweet contest announcement
  3. Send rewards to winners in the Incrypted media AMA


Progress (last week)

  1. Review the article about the Berry Club as part of the grant
  2. Talked to the author of the channel She wants to make a video about NEAR. This channel is not about crypto so I suggested she create a general video that will explain what is blockchain and why you should choose NEAR as the first step to the industry. She will send me the video before publishing

Priorities (for next week)

  1. Review and publish an article about the Berry Club as part of the grant
  2. See above about the retweet contest
  3. Negotiate grant rates (see above) and find a translator for an article about Skyward Treasure

I can prepare an English version for you. Maybe I should create a topic with results? I just don’t know in which forum section I may do it.

05.07 - 11.07

Progress (last week)

  1. Rejected the idea of a retweet contest. Seems like it will bring a lot of bots to the chat without benefits.
  2. Tried to come up with a creative not trivial contest

Priorities (for next week)

  1. Discussing with the team about Tips Contest (based at the @nearup_bot in Telegram)
  2. Hold a contest from the previous point


Progress (last week)

  1. Discussing a fair rate for translation grants. There are no really good translators in the community which we can pay the market translation rate. Most translations need serious editing. But at the same time, translators in grants should not receive more than creators of original content.
  2. Guy who was preparing the article about Berry Club still has not finished it :roll_eyes: Of course, I’ve been pinging him, but he always said “I will finish it tomorrow”. I lost hope
  3. But the other guy did translation about Skyward Treasury very fast and well. We published it.

Priorities (for next week)

  1. See thoughts about the contest in the “Growth” part


  1. People doesn’t ready to create quality content :pensive: They think it easy but then they disappear after they see how much they need to fix to publish their articles
  2. It’s hard to come up with a creative, simple contest that will be interesting and not trivial. And also will not have the possibility of cheating

I will try to continue the tradition of the previous community manager.
But my concept is fundamentally different, I think that the redundancy of voicing thoughts and ideas maybe not always the right option.
Most of the information will be in Russian language.

My aspect at the moment, is that the RU community should get all the information about what is going on in the NEAR ecosystem.
This is the key to growth: news, partnerships, descriptions of new projects, people need to see how NEAR blockchain life is busting.
All blockers that my predecessor encountered, in one way or another, I feel too.
I try to find and get people interested in NEAR blockchain too, and not only in the material component.

13/09 - 19/09


На прошлой неделе

  1. АМА Сессия с Сашей Гудилином (Human Guild), награждение пользователей за лучшие вопросы.
  2. Конкурс в Twitter “Farming with REF”, подготовка формы для участия.
  3. Часть информации из анонсов идет инфлюенсерам.

На этой неделе:

  1. AMA Сecсия с Paras Рахматом “Riqi” Альбарики
  2. Так как это текстовая АМА, подготовка вопросов, сбор вопросов от пользователей с помощью формы.


На прошлой неделе

  1. Несколько статей из рубрики MetaBUIDL (информация о проекте, задании)
  2. Статья по прошедшей АМА-сессии.
  3. Игровые проекты на блокчейне NEAR.

На этой неделе

  1. Поучаствовал в доработке статьи Ончейн-игры(основные авторы: Александр Гудилин и Александр Куприн) и опубликовали ее.
  2. Статья о токенсейле на Paras(информация о проекте, токеномика, варианты использование токена)
  3. Множество анонсов о партнерствах, проектах. Очень много качественной информации (Meta Pool, Paras, PixelPets, OIN Finance, Ref Finance)
    Telegram: Contact @near_ru
  4. Стараюсь не забывать и о хакатоне, добавляя информацию о нем, упоминая в статьях.

Привет! Сессия была в аудио формате? Где можно послушать или прочитать если текстом? Спасибо.

В нашем чате проводилась в текстовом формате, выпустили несколько статей.

Об игровых проектах на NEAR.

АМА-сессия “Игровые проекты в экосистеме NEAR”
Также опубликовали в ней - Подход к созданию игр на блокчейне NEAR от Александра Гудилина

Эта была написана ребятами, немножко помогал с правками.
Ончейн-игры // Статья написана по материалам работы Александра Гудилина и Александра Куприна.

Мы все наши АМА-сессии публикуем на


Еще можно подписаться на Telegram: Contact @near_ru
Все новости и статьи всегда там публикуем, я бы даже сказал, что это основной новостной блог для RU-комьюнити.


Our work with Influencers in September (with Incrypted even earlier)

Date | Site | Link to Post | Number of Views


|01.09| Youtube | Почему все упало? | SEC кошмарит Coinbase & Huobi | Недооценённый Near | Aукцион парачейнов Basilisk - YouTube |15493|
|01.09| Telegram | Telegram: Contact @doubletop |14100|
|04.09|Youtube| |11280|
|03.09|Telegram | |19100|
|04.09|Telegram | |15800|
|08.09|Youtube| |16900|
|15.09|Youtube| |14400|
|22.09|Telegram | |13500|
|23.09|Telegram | |13200|


|02.09|Telegram | |6908|
|03.09|Telegram | |6967|
|09.09|Telegram | |5623|
|20.09|Telegram | |5707|
|22.09|Telegram | |5111|
|29.09|Telegram | |5382|
|29.09|Telegram | |3295|

Mentions in podcasts, advertising in banners as a sponsor, was voice chat with Vadim and CryptoLamer.


|18.08|Telegram | |9806|
|20.08|Telegram | |8869|
|01.09|Telegram | |9173|
|08.09|Telegram | |10900|
|20.09|Telegram | |13000|
|20.09|Telegram | |12900|
|23.09|Telegram | |15700|
|29.09|Telegram | |10000|
|30.09|Telegram | |8982|
|30.09|Telegram | |9152|
|22.09|Youtube| |22800|
|26.09|Youtube| |4000|
|18.08|Site| |12|
|01.09|Site| |55|
|23.09|Site| |195|
|30.09|Site| |141|

Крипто-ламер ,кстати, вдвойне красавчик, открыто обьявил о спонсорстве.

В целом я просмотрел почти все видео, все было четко и по теме, кроме первого видео (крипто портфель) от Гната double top, он не совсем подготовился к презентации Near (за эталон я беру канал Вадима , который досконально изучает проекты, разбирается вплоть до каждой запятой в white paper).


August 2021


23 августа Meta Pool заработает в основной сети NEAR
Octopus Network (OCT) — новый претендент для интернета блокчейнов
Coin98 Wallet интегрирует NEAR Protocol
Знакомство с NEAR Protocol
Команда NearPad закрыла посевной раунд начального финансирования в размере $2 млн. для развития DAO-центра DeFi на Aurora
Этикет сообщества NEAR
Filecoin объявляет о сотрудничестве с NEAR для обеспечения более динамичного развития стека Web3
NEAR MetaBUIDL. Серия хакатонов от NEAR с призовым фондом $1 миллион
Давайте отпразднуем август вместе с ивентом от Paras — Card4Card!
NEAR MetaBUIDL. Организация Хак Ноды в своем городе. Какую помощь сможет предложить NEAR?
Новый стартап ARterra Labs, который будет базироваться на NEAR Protocol, сделает акцент на киберспортивной NFT-платформе
OP Games позволит геймерам формировать, определять и в конечном итоге владеть любимыми играми
Все о проекте Meta Pool, ранних наградах. Как можно застейкать токены NEAR или направить их в пул ликвидности


  1. NEAR 3rd Anniversary contest with 1000 NEAR reward pool + 20 NFTs


Incrypted (32K subscribers in Youtube, 47K in Telegram) - 4-5 content pieces per month
CryptoLamer youtube & telegram coverage (11K telegram, 9K youtube) - 4-5 content pieces per month


100 NEAR - Stickers for Community
12 NEAR - NEAR Community Etiquette
277,7 NEAR - CryptoLamer
20 NEAR - Tips for RU Community


Telegram News Channel - 98 (+600% // +84)
Twitter - 68 (+142,9% // +40)
I also publish some of my articles on and // and our blog about hakathon(+info about challenges and about partners)
Some work with banners for articles and news in Telegram/Twitter


Telegram News Channel ~ 504 (+22,92%// +62)
Telegram ~ 2827 (+2,24% // +84)
Twitter ~ 2864 Followers (+ 59,28% // +1066)

September 2021


Статья об основных вопросах и ответах с АМА-сессии “Хакатон Meta BUIDL”
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от DODO
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задания для хакатона от Galactic
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от Human Guild
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от NEAR Protocol RU Community
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от Facebook
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от Arroz Estúdios
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от Ceramic Network
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от Croncat
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задания для хакатона от Mintbase
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задания для хакатона от Octopus Network
Игровые проекты на блокчейне NEAR
АМА-сессия “Игровые проекты в экосистеме NEAR”с одним из создателей Human Guild Александром Гудилином, которая состоялась в чате RU-сообщества NEAR
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задания для хакатона от Cheddar
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задания для хакатона от Band Protocol
21 сентября в 0:00 UTC стартует токенсейл PARAS на площадке SKYWARD
Рубрика “MetaBUIDL”. Задание для хакатона от NEAR DEVS
АМА-сессия с Ильей Полосухиным, которая прошла 9 сентября на платформе Reddit
АМА-Сессия с основателем Paras Рахматом “Riqi” Альбарики, которая состоялась в чате RU-сообщества NEAR
Crust Network объявляет о сотрудничестве с NEAR для внедрения децентрализованных решений в сфере хранения данных
Частный шард NEAR: инфраструктура для организаций, которая будет строиться на базе открытого интернета
Стратегическое партнерство HAPI с Aurora


  1. АМА-Сессия “Хакатон MetaBUIDL” с Вадимом (02.09)
  2. Конкурс на лучший баннер для 3000 подписчиков (01.09 - 04.09)
  3. АМА-Сессия “Игровые проекты в экосистеме NEAR” (09.09)
  4. Конкурс Farming with REF (08.09 - 22.09)
  5. АМА-Сессия с основателем Paras Рахматом “Riqi” Альбарики (17.09)


471,1N - Double Top (24K youtube, 30K telegram) - 4-5 content pieces per month
555,5N - Incrypted (32K subscribers in Youtube, 47K in Telegram) - 4-5 content pieces per month


15 NEAR - (4 winners - 3,75 for each) for best questions on AMA
13 NEAR - Banner for 3000 followers on Twitter from community + Cool video about this
15 NEAR - (3 winners - 5 for each) for best questions on AMA
20 NEAR for contest “Farming with Ref Finance” (10 retweets, 2N for each winner)
20 NEAR - Tips for RU Community


Telegram News Channel - 152 (+55.1% // +54)
Twitter - 98 (+44,11% // +30)
I also publish some of my articles on and // and our blog about hakathon(+info about challenges and about partners)


Telegram News Channel ~ 1024 (+103,17% // +520 users)
Telegram ~ 3226 (+14,11% // +399 users)
Twitter ~ 3778 (+31,91% // +914 users)

Also, the guys (@zavodil @yulian ) organized on September 30 a Rainbow Bridge Meetup in Kyiv.


Great report!!

I would like to showcase you as a model for ‘Growth’ I wish all Guilds would report their growth in this way! Excellent job.


Thank you very much. We also try to give the community more information about the projects in NEAR ecosystem and a lot of information in our Telegram-blog(Telegram: Contact @near_ru).

Great job, Vladislav