[NEAR Mobile Flutter ] near-api-flutter is released (alpha version). You can build on top of it today!

Hey Community,

I’m Mohammed. I’m a developer/teacher in residence @ NEAR fellowship program. I’m also leading the development and education in the NEAR Arabic Community.

I’m excited to share with you today that NEAR Arabic released a new flutter package to empower mobile developers to build mobile apps that interact with the NEAR blockchain!
It kinda works like the near-api-js. You can add it as a dependency to your flutter project and start building right away. Here is a list of what you can do alongside with a complete developed sample.

Features available today:

  • Generate key pairs.
  • Connect to near wallet with limited or full access key.
  • Call smart contract methods.
  • Send tokens.

We’d love you to try it and send us your feedback as an issue on the Github repo (link on the package page).

Here are the links:



Good job, keep it up.

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