[August Report] Progress on Education, Development, and Research


This is my August progress report on the projects I’m working on. I work on training, research, and development on the NEAR protocol.


  • 2 In-progress pieces of work: One research paper on using NEAR as a proposed platform for building a secure voting dApp. Second one is an article I referred to in my previous report that compares between NEAR, SOLANA, and Ethereum.


  • Merged the efforts with NEAR Arabia and now we are one front “NEAR Arabic”
  • Started a new content publishing strategy that takes from the near echo system and shares with the Arabic world in Arabic. Follow us on Twitter and Telegram @NEAR_ARABIC
  • planning for a new community competition soon.


  • One new session on Blockchain Finance concepts was held online.
  • Hired 5 interns who are currently building on NEAR :heart: and helping developing the below projects (see development section).
  • Designing a new NCD in Arabic course matching the new NCD course from NEAR university and will be hosted on Teachable as well.
  • Designing a “Build marketplace app in NEAR using Java Script” course.


NEAR Flutter API

  • We have a very good progress on near-api-flutter. We were able to complete and test the following functionality in flutter/dart side:
    • Generate valid NEAR keypairs
    • Connect wallet with limited and full access keys
    • Call contract methods
    • Transfer Tokens
  • We are going to publish the near-api-flutter library (alpha) version in a few days.


A certificate generation tool for NEARians. You can design and generate certificates and mint them to certified people in one super easy step.
Good news is certi is live now on the testnet. Please test and give your feedback.

Other Dev Projects

  • 2 other projects started this month with our interns and we are making a very good progress

    • Quiz4U: A quiz app on NEAR that allows creating, answering and rewarding quizzes and submissions.
    • VerifiedProfile: This is a new project that aims to have verified profiles for users on NEAR. This service will help other services make sure the near account is verified and not fake/duplicate.
  • The above in-progress items are intended to be completed within the next 2 months.

Feel free to join us if you are interested in any of the work we are doing.

More to come soon … :rocket: