2021: The Year in Review

Top #Mukachevo Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
TRANSF🔴RM. ARMY of NEAR :) Vinnytsia. Conference "Money of the Future" 18
🔴 Mukachevo City Node budget and grant budget for next month 18
Report for the past month and budget for the next. From melodynft.near 12
TRANSF🔴RM: Decentralized Guild of NEAR protocol Ambassadors 10
An appeal to dear councils and guild leaders 🔴 9

Most Liked

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Proposal for increasing interest in Near nft platforms 15
TRANSF🔴RM. ARMY of NEAR :) Vinnytsia. Conference "Money of the Future" 11

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
TRANSF🔴RM. ARMY of NEAR :) Vinnytsia. Conference "Money of the Future" 60
🔴 Mukachevo City Node budget and grant budget for next month 28
TRANSF🔴RM: Decentralized Guild of NEAR protocol Ambassadors 26
Report for the past month and budget for the next. From melodynft.near 26
I'm getting ready to hold a meetup in Vinnitsa and Kiev BlockchainUA 26

Most Popular

User Topic Score
TRANSF🔴RM. ARMY of NEAR :) Vinnytsia. Conference "Money of the Future" 24
I'm getting ready to hold a meetup in Vinnitsa and Kiev BlockchainUA 21
🔴 Mukachevo City Node budget and grant budget for next month 19
TRANSF🔴RM: Decentralized Guild of NEAR protocol Ambassadors 19
Report for the past month and budget for the next. From melodynft.near 19