“L🔴CAL UKRAINE” https://t.me/web3ua Conducting a series of meetups in Ukraine

Here is information for our dear councils how Valentine spent his last grant from Ila ($30 000)

In Near In Dolars ( av price $10)
Granted from Ilia (NEAR Explorer | Transaction) 3,000 30,000
Was in treasure The domain name sputnik.fund is for sale 170 1,700


In N In $ Who Purposes Actually Difference Extra amount in Valentin’s wallet
1,000 $10,000 art.sputnikdao.near Financing the creative direction of Mukachevo City Node Only $5 600 spent on Melody artists/ $3 800 on legal service / $930 for Vlentin’s Pre-product creation bonus (The domain name sputnik.fund is for sale) False doubled payment for Meet up in Vinnitca $4 400 $930


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Let’s continue

In N In $ Who Purposes Actually Difference Extra amount in Valentin’s wallet
333 $3,330 savegame.near Valentin’s salary Vinnica meet up/management Valentin’s salary Vinnica meet up/management
300 $3,000 melody.near Melody salary for her guild management Melody salary for her guild management
100 $1,000 animem.near Work for Melody’s gulid Melody’s husband
111 $1,110 marism.near Purpuse not mentioned in Valentin’s report Valentin’s best friend, owner of Mukachevo City node office

NF paid to Valentine $1000 (expenses on office for Mukachevo City node)

But actully, marism.near gave his permission for free.

In N In $ Who Purposes Actually Difference Additional ammout in Valentin’s wallet
50 $500 sveta3t.near Purpuse not mentioned in Valentin’s report marism.near wife 2nd owner of Mukachevo City node office $500
100 $1,000 sanix.near Develop Near Wallet Develop Near Wallet
25 $250 neartaxi.near Purpuse not mentioned in Valentin’s report Valentine’s transportation $250 $250
55 $550 edgarosipov.near Lead community builder No any information about activities $550
25 $250 ralfusha.near - 25 Junior student Actually, he is experiensed Near user who has own guild (Ru Swine) $250
75 $750 dmitryne.near - 75 Indian blogger Indian blogger
75 $750 denni.near - 75 Indian blogger Indian blogger
25 $250 brbn.near - 25 Developer and NFT artist Developer and NFT artist, no information about del work for Near $250
50 $500 onipenkodima.near - 75 Youtube blogger Zero new videos since he got money proof https://youtube.com/channel/UCTKkw6t-YJKUNLRuhbf2kkg $550
25 $250 vaness.near - 25 Junior student No information about activities $250
25 $250 justerror.near - 25 Junior student Actually, he is experiensed Near user who has own guild (Ru Swine) and degen $250
25 $250 kseniiashm.near - 25 Junior student No information about activities $250
10 $100 bernfiona.near - 10 Purpuse not mentioned in Valentin’s report No information about activities $100
10 $100 avgustina.near - 10 Purpuse is not mentioned in Valentin’s report No information about activities $100
10 $100 leader525.near - 10 Purpuse is not mentioned in Valentin’s report No information about activities $100
15 $150 mukachevo.near - 15 Promote Valentine’s second business FLORI UA Valentine’s second business (FLORI UA) $150 $150
25 $250 nikitos03.near - 25 Transform guild Twitter group admin Transporm guild TG group admin
365 $3,650 aura.near Flow cost on meet up in Vinnitca Flow cost on meet up in Vinnitca
25 $250 nikitos03.near - 25 Transform guild Twitter group admin Transporm guild TG group admin
200 $2,000 aura.near Extra expenses on meet up in Vinnitsa Extra expenses on meet up in Vinnitsa
15 $150 savegame.near Conducted a small meetup. I’ll write myself some payment. Meet up in Mukachevo
96 $960 infinitynft.near Reward for a meetup in Vinnitsa Extra rewards for meet up in Vinniica $960 $960

What we have eventually:

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$6 610 not documented expenses

He spent $10 870 on Meet up in Vinnitca (where $5220 is only @INFINITY salary wow)

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Valentine took from Mukachevo DAO extra $2 230 (over requested amount)

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@INFINITY did you get extra $10 000 from Human Guild for Meet Up in Vinnitca?
I watched your video from Vinnitca and you mentioned couple worlds about Human guild. Could you please write report about it? How many new game developers we got in Near Ecosystem ?

I found only some drops from Human guild https://explorer.mainnet.near.org/accounts/vinnitsa.near

where guys who created new wallets immediately sold N on Binance

Oh, probably someone from your Guild claimed drop from Human? Lol . Why if drop was for new members?

Oh , @INFINITY did you claim QR code for new members either? Unbelievable.

Best regards, Near Community (все остальные)