Metrics cohort 5 NEAR Certified Developer program - NCDL1C5

NEAR Certified Developer L1 Cohort 5

How it started:

Mailing list: 227 contacts ->242 contacts

First session attendees: 22 people

Submitted contract review: 11 people

Presented Demo: 4

How it ends:


:trophy: Grand Prize of Ⓝ100 goes to FOUR projects:

  • Tic Tac Toe by murilo.near, jheyberry,near and igorfroehner.near. Congrats! Repo
  • Off-chain by vans163.near. Well done! Repo
  • Magic Eight Ball by humanman.near. Awesome job! Repo
  • NEAR-Merge-Data by ilyar.near. Superb! Repo

Discord server members: 175

NEAR tokens rewarded: 455 NEAR - 400 for demo and 55 as median and course completion reward.