METAVERSE DAO Monthly Report - April 2022

METAVERSE DAO Monthly Report - April 2022

Council Members:


Target: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near

Project status: Complete


Total Requested: 4499 USD

Total Spent: 3999 USD

Total Left: 11.7973 NEAR / 3132.1326 DAI / 50000000000 HAK / 98179 METACOIN

What we proposed

April Proposal

What we have accomplished in April

Hiring the Community

We hired 1 dj for the event; 3 writers for the magazine; 3 teachers for art class = total of 750 USD. The payout is accounted above, in the respective project report.

Financial Movements

Left in the wallet metaversedao2.near

0.99379 NEAR

1,000 GOLD


This month, because of an error in math, we requested 4499 USD but our projects had some of 3999 USD. This resulted in extra 500USD that are being held in Metaverse DAO wallet to be used next month (and not be requested in next budget)

And, because a lack of time to execute all of our projects, we didn’t had 2 writers and 1 professor, leting 300 USD in our wallet to have extra bounties next month.

Here you can see a spreadsheet with our payouts of april 2022 to more clarity

Payment Spreadsheet - Metaverse DAO
Name Wallet job Project Name Amount Paid Metacoin Proposal N° Obs
BeetleJuice beetle-juice.near council work council work $333,00 $333,00 10 297 ok
Becopro becopro.near council work council work $333,00 $333,00 10 ok
Klara Kopi klarakopi.near council work council work $333,00 $333,00 10 ok
Becopro becopro.near reporter reporter $500,00 $500,00 1 268, 275 ok
Trojanhorse15 trojanhorse15.near writer bounty writer $100,00 $100,00 270 ok
mphil writer bounty writer $100,00 $100,00 waiting payout request
mhartenthal mhartenthal.near writer bounty writer $100,00 $100,00 271 ok
NONE writer bounty writer $100,00 $0,00 Hold for next month
NONE writer bounty writer $100,00 $0,00 Hold for next month
Klara Kopi klarakopi.near interviews meta interviews $500,00 $500,00 1 273, 274 ok
toddpham toddpham.near art class bounty art class $100,00 $100,00 288 ok
kodandi kodandi.near art class bounty art class $100,00 $100,00 289 ok
calebav zydron.near art class bounty art class $100,00 $100,00 290 ok
NONE art class bounty art class $100,00 $0,00 Hold for next month
beetlejuice beetle-juice.near diagramming magazine design $300,00 $300,00 1 295 ok
Electrobro electrobro.near dj magazine design $50,00 $50,00 293 ok
beetlejuice beetle-juice.near art social media magazine design $50,00 $50,00 296 ok
Klara Kopi klarakopi.near produce event magazine design $100,00 $100,00 293 ok
Klara Kopi klarakopi.near proofreader magazine $100,00 $100,00 292 ok Pool metaversedao2 metacoin project metacoinproject $500,00 $500,00 279, 280 ok
TOTAL $3.999,00 $3.699,00

Some entries have“waiting payout request” written because people didn’t request their payout yet.

The money is separated to this (in DAI to be stable) just waiting for the payout request on Astro DAO. We will reinforce again with people that work with us to make the request.

Updated Projects Timeline

Even with a short period of time we’ve completed all the projects in the appropriate time.


We’ve: built NEAR Metaverse Magazine #5 as NFT, 1 premiere party on metaverse with music, we had 3 interviews with important NEAR people, we recorded more than 20 events with our reporter and minted them as NFT. We also had the art classes.


To publicize more our Decentralized Project. That bring people to write the magazine make it gratter

Next Steps

Next steps are to keep making our projects, and try to take Metaverse DAO to presencial meetings, like Blockchain Rio, NFT Rio etc., in order for interested people to know NEAR. Eengage more people to bring them to Near Protocol by our social medias.

Thanks for your support to Metaverse DAO!


@beetlejuice @becopro @klarakopi

Hello MetaverseDAO Fam, we just created a CFC, please vote yes on our Approved Funding request for Capital Guild.