[REPORT] Metaverse DAO Monthly Report for July 2022
Council Members
Project Status Ongoing (due to the delay in funding)
Astro - Treasure
Total requested: 5000 USD
Total spend: 5250 USD + 1,5 eth (1800 usd approx)
Total left (July 4th):
- 21.0606 NEAR
- 2046.9726 DAI
- 0.0663 ETH
- 50000000000 HAK
- 97904 METACOIN
- 0.7185 WNEAR
External wallet balance ( metaversedao2.near )
- 37.41316 NEAR
- 0.03546 wNEAR
- 1,000 GOLD
- 1,961.35436 METACOIN
What we proposed
What we have accomplished this month
Meta Interviews with KlaraKopi
Metacoin and Decentralized Project (June/July)
Hiring the Community
We made 2 bounties:
- 6 writers for the campfire
- 4 teachers for Metaverse Classes (Tutorials)
We made an Open Call:
- 1 collective of 3 artists building an exhibition
In total, we hired:
- 4 writers for the magazine (1 from the council, 3 from outside the DAO)
- 1 proofreader for the magazine
- 4 teacher for metaverse classes (tutorials)
- 1 storyteller for Meta Campfire
- 6 writers for the Meta Campfire
- 1 collective with 3 artists for Metacoin and Decentralized Project
With this we have an impact on 17 community members. And we also had an impact in buying NFTs from Tamago:
- 200 USD for buying NEAR streaming and NFT music
Financial movements
- Sent 5000 DAI to the DAO (July 27th): https://explorer.mainnet.near.org/transactions/J6MAUksWgEa4pPzue9UNA2xSDknnQJ1zeomgQmGZwfzB
- Sent 300 DAI for the external wallet to help to buy land: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near-539
- Sent 200 DAI for external wallet, for buying music from Tamago and DAO Records https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near-550
Metaverse Land Acquisition
- 1 Voxels parcel acquired for 1,5 ETH: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near-475
- Parcel acquired: Bishojo NFT Gallery S2 - 2 Conch Shell Caverns | Voxels
Metaverse Parcels Owned:
- Voxels: Bishojo NFT Gallery S2 - 2 Conch Shell Caverns | Voxels
- Nesteria: ST50-002 #1 - Paras
- Near Cribs: https://www.mintbase.io/thing/cHamaYEjBSxz79REQyPBjWpOycdnr21Bmqq1C38RJSk:nearcribs.mintbase1.near?tokenId=174:nearcribs.mintbase1.near
Updated Project Timeline
All projects were delayed due to the day the funding arrived in the DAO, July 27th. Nevertheless, we could accomplish most of our projects at the time of this report submission. The Make My Day party will happen on August 17th.
Our highlights are:
- The Meta Campfire event. It was a huge success, many people participated at the bounty and a lot of people showed up at the event to listen to the stories.
- NEAR Metaverse Magazine n8 was created with a lot of texts from the community: the meta campfire bounty fiction writers and the article writers hired by the magazine.
- We finally bought our Voxels land, so we don’t need to rent anymore.
- We produced tutorial videos for newbies on different metaverses.
- We had an art event on metaverse and also a party, and recorded many events produced by NEAR DAOs on Metaverse.
- 3 events at Metaverse DAO Parcel on Voxels (Meta Campfire, Make My Day, and Luluca’s Project);
- 1 NEAR NFT and 1 wearable sent to the writers from Meta Campfire;
- 1 NEAR NFT from the meta campfire minted on our store;
- 1 art invitation to the event, for social media;
- 1 video of the event on Metaverse TV (our YouTube channel);
- 1 NEAR NFT from the video minted at our NEAR Metaverse History store;
- 6 stories to be added to NEAR Metaverse Magazine #08;
- 13 videos from events promoted by 05 NEAR DAOs and Projects published on our youtube;
- 13 NEAR NFTs from these events minted in our store;
- 1 magazine with approx 50 pages minted as a NEAR NFT on our mintbase store;
- 4 written articles for the magazine;
- 4 tutorial videos uploaded on YouTube;
- 4 GIFs with 4 short videos minted on Mintbase as NFT.
We learned that we have to take into consideration the vacations to book the interviews and make the events. And that we could start adding people to our DAO who are already working with us in the magazine.
Next Steps
Continue with the magazine; keep registering metaverse events and interviewing people related to the metaverse; continue the meta campfire and the art classes; and mint them all in our historical mintbase store. Increase our number of people in the DAO (we’ve already opened a community group in our dao). For September, we are thinking of reducing resources from the tutorials and relocate it to other needs.