Marketing DAO Council Report from so608

Hello NEAR frens,

What an exciting time to be a part of the NEAR ecosystem. Never a dull moment, and I have been grateful for the opportunity to continue serving the NEAR community as part of the Marketing DAO council. I want to say thank you especially to Marketing DAO advisor @Bakaka for your work supporting the community and reviewing reports this month. Here is my report on my Marketing DAO activities, contributions and projects-in-progress.


  • I am an active participant in the review, evaluation and reporting process for Marketing DAO applicants. I review each proposal carefully (typically more than an hour each per proposal each month ā€“ this month, I reviewed 35+ proposals), review past performance, comment and ask questions and work with the Marketing DAO to understand the varied points of view that exist around each proposal.
  • Marketing DAO team meetings every Tuesday at 9AM ET and additional meetings as needed.
  • Review of Community proposals submitted to Marketing DAO on forum in accordance with our current review process.
  • Creation of initial budget proposed for October funding request.
  • Regular correspondence with Marketing DAO council, Marketing DAO advisors, Marketing DAO Trustees, NDC & NF liaisons and other ecosystem stakeholders as needed based on current questions and priorities.
  • Working with Marketing DAO advisors to support and participate in their initiatives.
  • Regular communication with specific proposers to provide feedback and guidance on their proposals as they consider posting to the forum.
  • Maintaining and monitoring Marketing DAO email account.

October was a fast month full of change as we work to align with and support the new NDC governance structure and build a better NEAR community and ecosystem for all going forward.

Iā€™m looking forward to supporting NEAR ecosystem projects, teams and initiatives in the future. I encourage anyone who would like support from the Marketing DAO to reach out to us via email at