January monthly report from WENXUAN YU(China)

Hi, everybody!
My name is Yu Wenxuan. I was recruited by Angela at the NEAR event in Wuhan last month to become a new Chinese Guild leader. We have our own development team.
This month, my work in the NEAR community is as follows:

First, carry out internal NEAR technical seminars in the team to learn the technical characteristics and economic model of NEAR together. I assist the team of technical developers and technical personnel who are interested in NEAR to test NEAR’s API and test various functions on the test network.

Second, I promoted NEAR in the original Litecoin Chinese community, introduced NEAR to them, let them know more about NEAR, and encouraged them to become NEAR’s ecological co-builders.

Third, discuss the NEAR-based ecological project, which is tentatively scheduled as a user big data aggregation and distribution platform. This platform is developed based on NEAR, a trusted big data aggregation platform that integrates data demand distribution, data generation and collection, and data value circulation. While enabling each user to truly have data sovereignty and maintain their personal privacy, the terminal data can effectively provide its economic value to the big data industry and the data society.

Thank you.

Hey Wenzxuan Yu – great update. would you have any more details on the third point? Sounds like something pretty cool and worth sharing with the larger community !

1.Invite three developers to the Chinese Technology Developer Group
2.Eighteen members topped up their wallets for the first time