Monthly report from Zhiwei Luo(China)

Hi everyone!
I am zhiwei-luo(Conan),and I am a Guider member from China。I have been active in the developer community of NEAR China.
This month, my work in the NEAR community is as follows:
I am a Guider member from China. I have been active in the developer community of NEAR China. This month, my work in the NEAR community is as follows:

First, I am working on a DeFi project built on the NEAR platform. This project is mainly a data market, and he is committed to creating a bridge between Filecoin and NEAR. I use my miner node (f0123535, f08220) to allocate 1GiB of free storage space to a registered user. All users can upload their own content (for example: a piece of music, a photo, an article, etc.) . Then use the NEAR platform to generate an NFT for these contents, and users can use NEAR to price them, and users can exchange them.
The first draft of the white paper has been completed, and will be submitted to the community, and a Damo will come out.

Second, I assist the leaders of the Chinese community, Amos and Angela, to organize activities in the Chinese community, such as promoting NEAR at the Rust Conference.

Third, I invite my colleagues and friends to become NEAR holders, introduce them to NEAR, let them know more about NEAR, and some of them will become users of the NEAR community in the future.

Fourth, I use NEAR to pay part of the salary to my employees. Encourage them to participate in staking.

Thank you.

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Hey Zhiwei – let me know when that whitepaper comes out. Sounds super dope. Really excited for that project. Let us know if we can help out with it in any way !

Hey Ozymandius, I’m so sorry to reply you so late.
The white paper of Doris has completed the first version. You can visit the link below to view this. And I have built a dedicated Filecoin miner node for this Doris project. In the future, it will be dedicated to the users of this project.

Doris/documents at main · zhiwei-w-luo/Doris · GitHub.

Thanks for you reply and help.

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