Monthly report from Tom(China)

Hello, everyone. I am Tom, a new near guild. I am a master student at Shenzhen University. And I am also the president of our school block chain association.
As a person with two years of block chain industry research experience,
I am very optimistic about near and near ecology. I want to be involved to make it better with everyone.
Last month, Angela and I helped with the offline event of Near in Shenzhen to promote Near’s products and technologies.
After joining near guild this month, I joined a lot of near WeChat groups and telegram groups to actively promote the near and near ecology and answer questions raised by others in the group. In the future, I will also participate in the management and operation of the QQ group.
Meanwhile, I will establish a near developer community in the school to attract more computer-related majors to participate in the development of the near ecological project.


Hi Tom, welcome to Near!

Weclome, Tom! Really excited to have you join the guild program.

This is awesome! Let us know how we can support with this.

We have some resources here, in case you’re interested:

  1. An introductory workshop for people with web development background: NEAR 101

  2. An introductory workshop for Ethereum developers: NEAR 102

  3. Workshop for entrepreneurs and hackers: NEAR 103