NEARverse Thailand is an NFT community on Near Protocol. Our mission is to encourage Thai artists and NFT creators to thrive on emerging wave of NFT. We see potential of Thai artists to be great NFT creators from what they create unique and high quality art. However, we also see many artists have struggled to get in to NFT. The problems could be from basic knowledge of blockchain and NFT, marketing, story telling, and so on. We want to build this community to support the artist.
Guild Leaders
@luziax @degeneratehomosapien
What do we do?
We do live “NEARverse Insider News (ข่าวข้นคนนัวเนียร์)” on weekly basis to update the current situation and ecosystem around various NFT projects on Near Protocol. Our audience could be as many as 70 people during live stream. The live show is also recorded for whoever miss the show and want to watch it later.
“NFT clinic” is another show that we do it live twice a month to give and get feedback from collector’s perspective and to create value in long term. The content is also available on our FB page. The show has been included these topics; Blockchain, Bitcoin and Near 101 ,NFT Marketing 101, NFT Storytelling 101.
NEARverse has begun since October, 2021 and we can see our community grow strongly.
We have helped and get support many NFT projects such as;
- Meta Antiheroes
- Soul bot
- Mutant tiger
- CryptoGod
- YoKat
- I’m ?
- My eyes
- NGM! Crew
- Jelly Homies
- TDKILL beats
- Double head
- Near Nomad
- NEAR Robotics
- Z-Force
- Crazy Chicken
- Overkill
- Mad Bear Club
- 4 E B 1
- etc.
Discord : 1600+ members
Twitter : 1000+ follower
Line Openchat : 900+ members
Facebook group: 16k+ member
So we are developing the roadmap to do better in supporting the community to grow together in long term. If you’ve any questions or any potential collaboration, please feel free to contact us, we would be happy to talk with you.