Hello everyone, Greetings to the Moderators the Advisories, Council members of Guilds and everyone present on this Forum.
I am samson Chukwu, (Sammiee) co-founder of Capital guild and one of its Council members.
During our last community call on the CreativesDAO Telegram platform (Dated: 5/September/2022) some suggestions where raised as we continue to find ways to better Help guilds grow and smoothing the process to self sustainability of communities.
Over time we have seen community projects get closed on the forum and have also seen councils and members of affected guilds try to contest the actions of the Moderators as they try to explain their roadmap to the moderators and Why such action should not be taken but as we may have noticed, written notes or typing do not always give proper explanations as to what people or community intend to achieve by taking some projects.
In most of these cases we have seen a community’s monthly project proposals get CLOSED because of one (1) project not being properly explained or the moderators not supporting a particular project out of probably 4-5 outlined projects form their community for the month, and this have in many ways affected the activities of that particular community for that month and personally I feel it is not fair to have a full community project get CLOSED because of a single unaccepted project.
I am suggesting to the moderators of the @creativesdao-council that they should apply a method where if such a situation is to arise, whereby a single project is not supported by majority number of the Moderators,
Let there be an opportunity given to such a community by way of Voice or Video call, Google meet or any other form of contact and communication with the councils of such guild, for them to better explain and defend their proposals for the month or elaborate more on why such a project should be part of their proposal for the given month.
Or an opportunity to Guide them by way of advice to either remove or replace such a project in order for it to either pass or get further review from the Moderators.
I invite everyone here on the forum to please feel free to air their views regarding this Topic and also share their ideas so that in the spirit of decentralization we can all have our opinions and thoughts put into consideration by the Moderators and hopefully see the implementation of these ideas.
So that going forward we will all have a fair chance to know why community project will be CLOSED and also have an opportunity to better explain to the moderators as to why such project is a part of the community project for the month or get a chance to remove such project.
This is to help communities stay active every month especially if just one project is supposed to get their proposals [CLOSED].
Thank you all and I really hope that we all can engage with this topic and contribute to the growth of our communities and the activities of the CreativesDAO moderators.