HYPE HACK BOARD for August '21!


And that means DAO realated bounties all month long!

All of these tasks are potentially up for grabs. If you would like to work on one, let us know! Here or on Telegram! In order to submit a payout proposal,quote a task in a response, Give an explanation of your work and link to a repository or PR with the relevant code. Link to your response in your Payout Proposal to HypeDAO.

Task Payout in NEAR
Make a hype payout proposal component for the repo 60
Make a $HYPE leaderboard component 50
Make component for minting to Mintbase HypeDAO store approved accounts only (use mintbase.js) 50
Mintbase mint component that submits a proposal for the dao to mint it instead of user. 50
Send $HYPE to user component 60
Create a useful branch of the monorepo using the yarn-workspaces project structure. Such as port nft-market to workspaces. 100
Component to display Post from Discourse by url 80
Page to display bounty board from Taiga API 50
Create a Sputnik v2 fork with NFT membership (as opposed to FT weighted membership) 125
component for proposal to purchase NFT from DAO 100
Aurora Deploy NFT, mint to NFT via DAO 125

From what I understand Zora is entirely open source and could be configured for deployment on Aurora…

Aurora, Zora :notes: Zora, Aurora :musical_note:


I’d like to look into some of the tasks above. Are they already sorted by priority? I’ve read through some of the components in GitHub - HypeDAO/HypeDAO: Monorepo for the HypeDAO website already and would pick the $HYPE leaderboard as a starter :slight_smile:

@starpause Yea, ZoraOS looks very promising. I’ve checked their app template: GitHub - ourzora/create-auction-house: Starter repo for creating your own auction house with Zora', and I think one could easily start building on it immdiately.

I couldn’t wrap my head around it yet, but is it right to assume in general, that since Aurora is fully EVM compatible, we need to rely mostly on EVM tooling?

Shall we also consider Mintbase? Again, I’m not having full understanding of Aurora, but Mintbase has a very clean app template as well: GitHub - Mintbase/create-mintbase-app: Create React App for anything NFTs on Mintbase. I don’t know if it will be possible to mint to Aurora with Mintbase soon, thus I assume NFT’s must be minted to Near mainnet and moved to Aurora or Ethereum Mainnet directly.

Can anyone shed more light on this?

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Could anyone give a short overview of the Sputnik <> HypeDAO setup? I’m trying to find the Sputnik contracts and UI code.

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That would be awesome if you’d like to try your hand at making a HYPE token leaderboard!

The sputnik v2 contract is the one our DAO uses: sputnik-dao-contract/sputnikdao2 at main · near-daos/sputnik-dao-contract · GitHub

The are some example contract calls in that readme file!

I dont yet have a lot of experience in getting data from NEAR contracts (I’m more of a Solidity dev), so let us know how it goes, what you learn, how far you’re able to get, etc. Feel free to reach out to me or @EV3RETH if you want to discuss a specific issue!

I dont know if there are events broadcast on NEAR like on Ethereum when ft transfers occur. Any insights you gain in trying to accomplish this task can be helpful!