Guild Intro Post

Guild Name: Blochchain Club of Uganda

Guild Leader(s): Mucunguzi Moses

Guild SputnikDAO Address: mucu256.sputnikdao.near

Guild Location: Uganda, Africa.

Blockchain Club of Uganda is a group of Blockchain enthusiasts. Our members are from all walks of life including community managers, crypto traders, students and developers. Our primary goal is to advocate for mass blockchain adoption in Uganda and Africa at large.

To achieve our goal, our membership is open to all persons with passion for blockchain. We teach the community through a number of ways including, but no limited to, evenst(meetups and workshops), social media campaigns, content(articles and infographics). Our partnerships with the domestic industries like trade, investment, education are the other tool that informs our operations. We also have three affiliated Campus Blockchain Clubs in three different universities across the country.

Any community comprises members, and to grow, more members have to join. That is why our club is open to anyone with passion for blockchain. It is also a good chance for starters in the blockchain industry as we shall be open to give them full guidance.


Hi @Mucu256l,

Completely missed out on this. Would love to chat more about this guild. Can you also add a public link for people to join your community?