Tell us how it all went!
Between when a Guild or DAO submits their payout proposal for a month’s worth of projects and activities to the Creatives The domain name is for sale and when the next monthly proposal is posted on the Forum, we want to know how those initial projects went or are progressing.
We therefore request that between one payout from the Creatives DAO to the next, there is a brief reporting on the success of the project(s) ongoing or accomplished successfully in a reply to their original approved Forum post OR as its own topic with the “monthly-reports” tag.
The following is the recommended structure for this reporting and suggested metrics for project success for Creative Guild Leaders to use with their membership:
Project Name:
Project Status: [In Progress/Completed]
Project Accounting: [Please post a brief updated project budget if materially differed from the original + the relevant Sputnik DAO address]
Updated Project Timeline:
*brag about the attendance or engagement in terms that best fit your project/event (ex. # of submissions, # of physical/virtual attendees, # of presenters, etc.), shout out the project’s star contributors, social media mentions, or any platform or bot-specific metrics. The more links you share, the better, and keep it simple! Bullet points are a great way to show what you are up to!
**areas you would like to improve upon next time, feedback from participants, roadblocks you encountered, etc.
Next Steps:
***efforts you’ll be undertaking to onboard more Guild members from this project, new related collaborations you cannot wait to share, etc.
Please note:
Without this report on projects most recently supported by the Creatives DAO, the Council reserves the right to withhold or pause the granting of funding on future proposals or payout proposals “in progress” on the Creatives SputnikDAO.
The more details you can provide in your report, the better! And if you prefer another format for delivering your report - such as making a 5-minute Loom video - per your comfort level and the ability to present visuals, we’re open to that too! As long as we hear something from you, covering the aforementioned topics, this reporting mechanism is for Creatives DAO Council members to determine how best to support you, and as an update to the broader NEAR Community about the awesome things you’re doing. Who knows what future project collaborations and learnings for others could result from the information and updates you share?
Have questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to reply here or reach out to us (@chloe @mecsbecs).