Hello Everyone,
Thank you so much for your feedback, it is well appreciated.
I understand your concerns but in reality I have the vision for this event for a long time.
I am a very visual person and the first time I stepped into the faculty of art at the university of Lagos all I could envision was bringing everybody together through some sort of event.
I believe two heads are better than one and I have taken your ideas into consideration.
My project is now divided into 3 phases with the following proposed completion time and action items:
The first phase:.
1)Renting of the Event Hall (200 dollars): is a big condusive hall with over 300 sitting capacity, full pictures and videos of the hall will be showned, I was given about 50% discount for the hall because I’m a student from the department…
Graphics, fliers, ticket printer and social media awareness with my departmental president and 3 influencers from other departments : 100 dollars
3) Rehearsals with my band members and actors from my department ( video proof will be made in effect to this…we have to start rehearsals as quick as possible in order to give a Great and perfect show…( This involves renting of instruments and space for rehearsals,): I will handle this cost for the month of January…
All these will be achieved before January 29th…
I will be requesting a total of 300 dollars for the First phase
Phase 2:
Promotional video of me and my Band members and also all the performing arts for the event, the idea is to have every singer, dancer and actor performing have a good quality video showing a tip of what they have ,that they can promote to the fans,. each video will have a segment that promotes NXm and Nearcon.
There wld also be a video that promotes the singing competition where it will be said that the winner gets 80dollars in near and get a song on the NXm store, thereby creating awareness on Nearcon and NXm before the day of the event ::100 $
- Rentage of live instruments and Rehearsal space for the remaining rehearsals before the show… 120$… 7.5near… ( this wld be achieved before the end of February… 2nd phrase :100$ + 120$: 220 dollars
3rd phase and Final phase ::
1)Sounds, light, projector, smoke and decorations for the event : 185$
2) 10 printed shirts for ushers and workers:: 100$ : 6.5 near.
3) payment of ushers and workers: 100$ : 6.5 near
4) singing competition : 80 $
3rd phase: 465 dollars.
@zeitwarp everyone will open a new wallet before the show starts as that will be a pass for the event, The show is organised at the department of creative arts, home of so many creatives that will be very much interested in creating NFts for NXm once given proper oriention…
I promise to put in my all, to make this event a very Great andsuccessful one…This is definitely going to be a major move in promoting Near con and NFT, and I also see this as a big break for my career…
@vandal @Paul @zeitwarp
I’m happy to answer any further questions or concerns as I’m excited about this opportunity…
Thank you for your consideration.
As suggested by @Paul and @nullzero.I will also like to include that there would be a live streaming of the event on the metaverse space and also in the physical world to attract international audience,
There will also be a live streaming on some of our Rehearsals on the meterverse space. @vandal @Paul @nullzero @zeitwarp @chloe @Grace @Monish016
… Thank you