Hi! This is my entry for the VanCHAN challenge #2.
Van always vividly envision facing his real parents, piercing bizarre yet felicitous emotions deeply through his heart. Carrying an amulet as a memento from his deceased foster father, he searches for a place jotted on a piece of paper when he is left at a trash bin, absolutely uncertain of what is yet to unfold. Welcomed with a sequestered and secluded town, unpalatable scent and hideous sight roughly cover the place. On his shock, he is forcibly grabbed by someone who introduces him to a tribe world of CHANverse — a tribe that continuously restrain aliens’ invasion to degenerate in their hometown. Living in the tribes’ domicile really pulls at his heartstrings and he later discovers his parents’ bravery in sacrificing their lives to save the future of their motherland, which becomes an aspiration he unintentionally lives. Arduously, he faces a vast, monstrous, and grotesque king of all aliens. It can be impossibly done yet he possibly did defeat it. The spirit of the tribes’ abode comes back and Van becomes VanCHAN — the king of CHANverse.
Link of the chosen NFT: ⭐⭐⭐Vanchan #1 ⭐⭐⭐ — Paras
Thankyou so much for the opportunity