Hello! This is my entry for the VanChan Challenge #2c

As certain as the sky, somethings are so certain, just like the certainty of breathing to every soul that lives. Some leopards will never change their skin not even if you burn off their skins thoroughly, some marks will be left as a reminder of what has always been. Such is the case of VanChan the adventurer. Even though he had promised on his last adventure never to embark on anything that smells close to an adventure.
VanChan is from the dynasty of great adventures. The pride and hallmark of his family is adventurers, ranging from deadly to scientific and anything you can think of, just name it adventure and you can be sure they will be ready to stick their heads out.
But VanChan has promised never to repeat the mistakes of his bloodline. He will be wise in chosing where to poke his nose. He finds most uncomfortable the adventures of one of his great grandma, ‘Alice in the wonderland’ VanChan is never given to fantasy. But then, the things we fear the most have a way of finding its way into our realities after having victory over our minds and subconscious.


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Just in time! I’m adding this to the list in the comments and we’ll be deciding the winning entry later today!