[CLOSED] Telegram stickers for Philosophers DAO

cong mates @ImJami2017 and @Egglion you guys deserved this


Thank you for choosing our sticker @thephilosopher , i am really glad that you lile it. :hugs: Tahnk you for this bounty.


Thank you @gardana for your support :raised_hands:


Heres my created proposal payout for my sticker that been choosen as a winner. Thank you for this wonderfull bounty sir :hugs:


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Final Report

Project status: Completed

Project name:

Project Accounting:

We released a bounty for choosing 7 statik telegram stickers and 5 moving stickers, but we ended up choosing 2 sets of 7 statik stickers, and we splitted the resources equally between both artists. Each artist was paid 50 near (175 USD). And our choice was made by telegram, with the members of the dao, and confirmed by astro.

Astro confirmation: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/the-philosophers-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/the-philosophers-dao.sputnik-dao.near-52

Chosen stickers:

Payment to the artists:



Updated Project Timeline:

The project was completed in the appropriate time.

Highlights and Final Products:

We could produce 2 sets of 7 stickers each, which we use in our community on telegram, to stimulate participation.


The experiment was a success and many people came to our telegram community (we have now around 90 people). We could learn that if we use the community to vote on the bounties, we can acquire more people on telegram.

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