[Closed] Spirityut Website Creation

Hello Creatives,

Dao introduction Below.

We would like to announce commencement of creation of the Daos Website, this is necessary a marketing tool as we will be executing some more movements that will be requiring the Dao to open up our Marketing website to further promote the Near Dao, its activities, Creatives and attract collaborations with external Entities which we will be aiming to develop positive relationships with.

Duration of the project would be a Month as we will be working with the Web Desinger and also other creatives in the Dao to influence it with our ideas which the Public should know about the DAO.

We would be creating new Content made by community members as regards Near Protocol, Blockchain Education, entertainment, Links to Dao Nft Projects, and also Displaying our Dao Committed Acts and their Profiles in web2 and 3, e.t.c.

Metrics for success:

With this idea we are certain to further promote the Dao and would also give the Dao a more official Public Opinion, this is something we should be proud of thanks to The NF, Public Opinion as regards Spirityut Dao has been positive so far even at an early stage and launching of our Website can only Mean more Positivity for all parties involved.

Having our website to display to potential Customers and Investors would go a long way in advertising Nearprotocol, Web3 and Spirityut Dao.

Total Amount for project

$400 in DAI

$100: Creating New Content to be displayed in website…mini project.

$300: Website Creation



Address: spirityut.sputnik-dao.near

Tagging the marketing Dao for Visibility


Great stuff…Cheers to greatness :clinking_glasses:

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Thank you for your proposal. Could you please give more information about your project “ Spirityut Dao“?

Thank you.

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Pardon for not including the Introduction in Marketing proposal, edited, Thank you!

Here is SpiritYut Guild Introduction created May17.

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Ok, thanks. Happy to support.

$400 in DAI tokens.

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Hello @marketingdao-council

Good day to the Team,

Still waiting on a feedback from marketing Council, not sure about the state of Spirityut Website Creation Proposal.

Hi @TheTune100

This project seems too similar to many other promotions of artists and musicians that are creating NFTs. It’s a cool concept, but we already have many projects like this in the pipeline. It’s a no from me.


Thanks for your proposal,

Have you received funding from Creatives DAO?

What tech stack are you using to build the website?

How does this get us closer to 1 billion users?

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We’ve had our creatives Dao proposal apprved.

Hi @TheTune100

please share link

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[Approved] Spirityut September 22 Budget hello @cryptocredit

I humbly request the Marketing Dao to assist SpirityutDAO in approving our proposal for website creation as this is SpirityutDAO where things are done positively differently, our potential has to be unleashed more and more in the ecosystem :pray:t5:.

I have my BSC.MARKETING and i know the benefit of this to our growing Community.

We are in touch with community members that have a role to play in this Project @Trojanhorse15 @3ill @OG_Cruz and the others.

Thanks fam,


Hey @TheTune100 – thanks for the proposal. I acknowledge that this is a modest funding request in comparison to others, but there’s not enough specific detail here about why the funding amount requested in what it is, what the KPIs and metrics are for evaluating the success of the project after funding or how the creation of the web site and the content mini project is going to lead to significant numbers of new users, active (not just opened) wallets, NFT investors or developers in the ecosystem. Given that you’ve already received $3K from the CreativesDAO for activities and that I can tie this to specific outcomes we can track, I can’t support this proposal at this time.

I do think you’re sincere and enthusiastic and encourage you to continue building and participating in the ecosystem.


I concur with my fellow Council Member.

This project has already received very generous funding from Creatives DAO and I encourage the team to be as resourceful as possible with the funds that are already available to you.

I do not support this proposal.