• DAO introduction
The NearFox platform is not just a website, it is a whole ecosystem that will be filled with different features both for ordinary holders, NFT collectors, those who are interested in passive income, and mainly for young artists who want to enter the NFT sphere, create own project, understand how the NFT system works for NEAR, as well as help at every stage of our artist’s promotion.
Art and culture are part of our life and characterize the society in which we live, it is important to support them and those who work and are interested in this area. Today in fact many people are still facing the challenge of living with the incomes of artistic works.
NearFox was born from the desire to share and disseminate culture and to support the exchange of art through a token that will be given to everyone who is part of the collective.
Why team is best for the funds?
Konstantin - manager, project leader. Higher education in the specialty: Economics. Previously, he worked as a manager at the petrochemical company SIBUR. He is a crypto enthusiast and has a lot of knowledge in the field of blockchain.
Luda, a young artist who graduated from an art university, decided to try herself in the field of NFT. Completely NearFox collection, consisting of 444 foxes, is hand-drawn by her. At the moment, we want to raise money to create a platform and are also looking for a programmer who will be ready to take on this business.
Achievement information about the DAO
Full sale “NearFox Gen1” collection on Paras NearFox - Paras - 645 Unique holders.
We spend up to 25% of the income on charity. We have already launched our joint comic for the protection of animals (steppe foxes) together with Paras. Proceeds from the sale were donated to WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Let’s make this world a better place to live. NEARFOX COMIC - Paras Comic - 456 Unique holders
All Foxes from “NearFox Gen1” Collection already drawn in 3d and waiting for their chance to airdrop.
A joint comic series was drawn for the MetaMorphoses metaverse (Well-known as AMBER metaverse). This series is compiled by 5 authors. - 403 Unique holders
NEARFOX encyclopedia&TRANSFRM guild was created. This is a collection of the most important people in the Near industry. These NearFox are special foxes. Foxes were created and bought by the following people: Illia Polosukhin (Illia Polosukhin. NEARFOX enciclopedia NEAR. TRANSF
RM - Paras Publication - Paras), Alex Skidanov (Alex Skidanov. NEARFOX enciclopedia NEAR. TRANSF
RM - Paras Publication - Paras), Alex Shevchenko, Evgeny Kuzyakov, Sasha Hudzilin, Vlad Grichina etc.
NearFox links
“NearFox Gen1” Collection (NearFox - Paras)
NearFox charity comics&Paras (NEARFOX COMIC - Paras Comic)
NearFox comics&Metamorphoses (MetaMorphoses - Paras)
Twitter (twitter.com/Luda_nft)
New WhitePaper (Introduction NearFox - NearFox Whitepaper) - 1400+ followers in Twitter
600+ followers in Discord
• Genre – Art/ Educational platform
• Impact
We see interest in NFTs growing every year. New participants, new projects and new ideas appear on the market every day.
We are ready to provide the first NFT learning platform on the Near blockchain. We are ready to fully support young artists. From learning how to work with the NEAR wallet, with marketplaces, with interaction with the community, to the complete transfer of physical work to NFT, the creation of new unique NFT, support for authors in promotion, collaborations, recognition in the vastness of our blockchain.
We will conduct a thorough anti-plagiarism check of art, communicate personally with each of our artists, setting them on the right path.
In the future, we will also create an artists’ stand with their already released collections and works, achievements and skills, as well as our assessment from the NearFox project. Any projects will be able to find an NFT artist, to agree on cooperation. We will fully encourage our guys to either develop their projects or be invited to projects that have long existed on the Near platform.
The most active artists will have the opportunity to collaborate not only with NearFox, but also with other market participants. Launching collaborations with both aspiring artists and well-known NFT creators will help the community develop.
Helping young artists is very important now. Now there are very few artists who really draw with high quality and know the NFT sphere, who understands blockchains. Firstly, it will attract new names to the Near ecosystem, and we also plan to hold offline events, meetings with artists who paint on canvas, explain to them the value and purpose of NFT.
We will also add a section for Investors, which will allow you to get information about existing projects in the ecosystem and their short description and numbers.
• Roadmap
• DAO’s Milestones for proposal
Milestone 1 - NearFox platform
Estimated duration: 3 months
FTE: 3
Costs: 2,800 USD
- NearFox platform: A - We will create a platform. It will be possible to come in, see information about the project, roadmap, partners, characteristics of the NearFox collection.
- NearFox platform: B - We create the ability to connect a wallet to the site, view a profile with your NFTs, their rarity. Creating a swap to exchange 2D NearFox for 3D NearFox. Creation of a marketplace for 3D foxes.
- NearFox platform: С - Launching the merch and preparing the platform for the implementation of training. Creation of an additional page with video tutorials (based on a real example of the formation of NearFox NFT, tests, feedback on discord, full help from young artists)
- New partnerships, promotion - New partnerships to help develop young artists and continue their activities in projects on Near. Support for new nft projects launched by young artists (creating a launchpad, brand promotion and assistance)
Budget: 2,800 USD (1500$ to hire a front-end Developer (dimoon.near); Video tutorials (editing included)(mashka.near) – 1000$; Promotion (luda.near)– 300$)
• What is the DAO’s objective or goals?
The NearFox learning platform for young artists will be developed by our team along with a collaboration of other popular collections on the NEAR blockchain.
This platform will include educational video tutorials, tests and practical tasks right on our platform!
An emulator of a real NFT marketplace will be made, where the artist will be able to create a test collection and put NFT up for sale. Blockchain users will be able to purchase these works for NFOX tokens, thereby supporting the artists.
Based on the results of the training, artists can, together with our support, launch either their own project. We will also help promote the artist in ready-made NFT projects on the NEAR blockchain.
Artists will also receive a personal certificate of professional development, located in the blockchain.
Also, every day we plan to post new posts about Near, Aurora in our social networks. These include: News, Announcements, Tutorials, Memes, Statistics and Collaborations.
• Roadmap to reach the goal
NearFox platform: A – Late March
NearFox platform: B – Early April
NearFox platform: C – Late April/Early May
New partnerships, promotion - May
Total – 3 months
• How is the longer term goal divided into milestones making the DAO reach there?
- Offline events Launching offline events and meetings around the world to attract new artists to the Near blockchain (with the possibility of FREE training on the platform)
- NFOX token TGE token, its application in the NearFox ecosystem: launch of staking (NFT and tokens), rewards for young artists for completing training, and other functions
• What will the community or the team members’ role be?
Owners of “NearFox Gen2” will have a 100% opportunity to receive WL in the projects of our graduates.
Free ticket to offline events around the world.
NFT staking and passive income in $NFOX tokens
Obtaining the role of test users for our development
Total request number: 2800$ in $NEAR tokens
DAO on-chain address (target wallet): nearfox.sputnik-dao.near