Probably many are already tired of me, but I can’t stop, because the project that I offer Near/Aurora ecosystems is stunning and very cool! I made several requests to be given a grant to start developing and creating an MVP, but was refused.
My hope has not faded and I hope at least someone will hear me and believe in me! Please consider my project and give your assessment. Thank you!
Background information:
Since the end of 2021, when I first learned about the Near protocol, I decided to enter this blockchain (with helping of my brother Konstantin, who is interested in different blockchains) with my NFT collection called “NearFox” (completely hand-drawn, consists of 444 foxes) on the Paras marketplace. Initially, I had no knowledge about the blockchain, about its purpose and role in digital art, but during the year of work in the Near ecosystem, I met many people, collaborated with projects and understood all the processes of working with the blockchain and its opportunities for young artists.
It is the original «NearFox» of Special category.
Team members:
Core team:
Konstantin - manager, project leader. Higher education in the specialty: Economics. Previously, he worked as a manager at the petrochemical company. He is a crypto enthusiast and has a lot of knowledge in the field of blockchain.
*Luda, an artist who graduated from an art university, decided to try herself in the field of NFT. Completely “NearFox” NFT collection, consisting of 444 foxes, is hand-drawn by her.
Masha - Luda’s assistant. Helps in creating scripts for videos, writing articles and preparing material.
Dimoon - community and cooperation manager.
Khanhdn - NearFox representative and community manager in Vietnam.
Current KPI for NearFox ecosystem:
(File with description of NFT collections on Near - Our Experience - Google Docs)
“NearFox“ collection on Paras: total volume - 80k$, 444 NFTs, 645 unique holders (as collection includes NFTs with 3, 10 copies). (NearFox - Paras )
Joint comics collection with artists and creators of AILAND Metaverse (Metamorhoses): 403 unique holders. (MetaMorphoses - Paras)
Charity comic joint with Paras: 456 unique holders. (NEARFOX COMIC - Paras Comic)
Twitter followers: 1450+ (twitter.com/Luda_nft )
WhitePaper (Introduction NearFox - NearFox Whitepaper)
Why I have chosen Aurora as the next step in my development:
Now I want to enter the Aurora blockchain as a L2 solution for Ethereum and I consider this blockchain very promising, at least for artists and NFT projects, because the integration with the Near and Ethereum blockchain is very cool, which gives many opportunities for growth and development, as well as with a low gas commission.
The goals of my integration with Aurora/Near blockchain:
- To increase the number of transactions and key indicators of Near/Aurora.
- Popularization of the blockchains as a cool technology for creating NFT projects on it and attracting new artists.
- Attract community to NFT developments and investments on the Aurora blockchain by creating a collection of “AuroraFox” consisting of 777 foxes.
Tasks to achieve goals:
- Joint collaborations, partnerships with the projects on Near/Aurora/Ethereum and creation of joint activities.
- Creation of the first educational Learn2earn platform on Aurora blockchain for young artists and reviews of existing projects.
- Creation of the «AuroraFox» NFT collection together with (on) the 3six9 marketplace.
To accomplish these tasks, I need to obtain funds and solve certain points:
- First Learn2earn educational platform for young artist (mainly) and people who are interested in projects connected with NFT developments.
Art and culture are part of our life and characterize the society in which we live, it is important to support them and those who work and are interested in this area.
The NearFox platform (this name is connected with the development which is grown “around the foxes”) is not just a website, it is a whole ecosystem that will be filled with different features both for ordinary holders, NFT creators, those who are interested in passive income, and mainly for young artists who want to enter the NFT sphere, create own project, understand how the NFT system works on Near and Aurora blockchains, as well as help at every stage of our artist’s promotion.
The platform will be done in a learning format with knowledge about blockchain in general and how it benefits the world and digital art, the work and benefits of Near/Aurora blockchains, its connection to Etherium, how to work with the wallets, with marketplaces, with interaction with the community, to the complete transfer of physical work to NFT, the creation of new unique NFT, support for authors in promotion, collaborations, recognition in the vastness of our blockchain.
Feeding information into the educational platform:
- We will create a detailed course with tutorial videos (with my personal experience as well as guest guests - creators of NFT projects, NFT developments, marketplaces)
- Additional podcasts about other dApps on Near/Aurora and interaction with them (their benefits and USP)
- Articles that will be written as stories about new projects and updates in projects. Also projects on Near/Aurora (both new and old) will be able to submit articles about their projects by themselves.
- Quizzes (tests, practical tasks) will definitely be created after each video tutorial, podcast, article. Correct answers will first be awarded project points (after IDO – swap in NFOX token, based on Aurora blockchain).
/To sum up/
It will attract new names to the Near and Aurora ecosystems. Young artists will understand the blockchain and will be able to build a project themselves or find a job as a designer in existing projects.
It will help Investors, holders and community to get information about existing projects in the ecosystem and their updates.
- Creation of the NFT collection “AuroraFox” in the amount of 777 pieces on the Aurora blockchain to increase the number of transactions and statistics of the blockchain.
The collection will be placed on the 3six9 marketplace. Each Fox will have different utilities associated with the learning platform (detailed in the white paper).
Holders of the first collection “NearFox” (444 pieces) located on the Near blockchain will be attracted to the Aurora ecosystem by receiving free NFT “AuroraFox” (more details about airdrop are also described in the white paper).
Long term plans:
- Offline events: Launching offline events and meetings around the world to attract new artists to the Near/Aurora blockchain (with help of educational platform).
- NFOX token on the Aurora blockchain, tied to activities on the platform (the utilities are described in the white paper).
- Implementations of artificial intelligence.
Proposals for grant:
Raise funds for April-May
- Ordering a platform design that will be attractive (mobile and computer version) - 150$
- Renting a room, creating a content (script), recording and editing training video lessons and dissemination of the material through social networks (15 pieces) (100$ - 1 video) - 1500$
- Creating a script and creation of joint review podcasts with some projects related to NFT on Near/Aurora and dissemination of the material through social networks (of the confirmed ones: Apollo42(?), 3six9 marketplaces. (8 podcasts) (50$ - 1 podcast) - 400$
- Writing unique review articles about Near Blockchain, Aurora, projects useful for artists, members and crypto enthusiasts (with creation of 1 picture for the article) (20 articles) (30$ - article) - 600$
- Community giveaways and contests (in different projects on Aurora/Near/Ethereum partners channels) (1 contest - 30$ (3 winners 10$ each) 10 contests - 300$)
- Creation of our second NFT collection called “AuroraFox” (777 pieces) and publication of the collection on Aurora blockchain: 3six9 marketplace - FREE (I will completely take care of this work (therefore it is free).
Total request number for creativity - 2950$ (April-May)
- The part that can be covered by me - development (but if there is such an opportunity to help me, then I will be glad, if DAO cover the initial development costs)
- Hiring a developer - 2000$/per month.
Total request number for development (optional) - 2000$/per month
Total request: 2950$ (April-May) + 2000$/per month (optional)
*Also, for more confidence for grant giver side, I am ready to review funding every week with a weekly report on work and plans for the next week.
*If you are also interested in investments, I will also consider closing the Seed round.
Telegram: luda_create