Hello again,

We at Cudo Dao are so proud to create this open call for visual artists interested in expressing their art within the Vértebra Project.
This month we are asking participants to do a specific type of artistic expression. COLLAGES!!!
If you are an artist who makes collages, or know someone who does this kind of work, let’s get together.
There will be 3 artists chosen to produce 10 arts each to compose the month of November. Vertebra’s works will be published on our Mintbase and Instagram.

Please leave in the comments what you would like to do in your artwork and information about your creative abilities.

This project will be done in close contact with the CUDO DAO council.

Bounty: 20N for each of the 3 artists at the end of the work.

Artwork will be posted as NFT on our mintbase and will be sold for 1 NEAR with royalties split between our DAO (50%) and the artist (50%) on the first sale. The royalitys sale is total for the artist after the first sale.

Each artwork must contain a title and a brief text about the art in question.
The deadline to send the illustrations is 5 illustrations after 10 days of our agreement, and the other 5 illustrations must be sent until December 5th.
Any questions, please feel free to contact us through our group by telegram.


Very curious to see this work :sparkles:

Hi dears,

Hope you’re doing great!

Belén here, a visual artist based in Lisbon really into collages. :art::camera::fire:

My work relates to memory and identity. As such, it re-signifies photographic archive by its intervention with contemporary symbols and aesthetics.

Currently, I’m working on a series which features old touristic pictures of Lisbon intervened with a special twist: tarot symbols. :crystal_ball: Perhaps it could be aligned with your proposal?

Anyway, please feel free to have a look at my Instagram account @belzua which includes some of my recent work.

Many thanks.

Speak soon,


Hello! Mark Waldron-Hyden here, an artist based in Lisbon. I am a sound artist by trade however I create custom patches within MaxMSP software that translates Audio data into Visual, creating visual works of art that directly represent sounds. I use these works to create visual collages of different sonic moments. For this project I would love to capture audio from around Lisbon city centre, translate this into visual work and create new collages that represent an audio visual trip through Lisbon. Would love to take part in this new project! Thanks!

Hi @Belen_Zuazo, I love the artwork and would love to have you on the project.

Hi @mwhyden,
I really like the idea that you proposed and would like to know more about how this can be part of the project. Please join our telegram group and I will contact you there so we can talk more. Thanks

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Hey! Thanks for your interest, I have joined the TG group, feel to ask any questions you may have :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m Massimiliano, I’m interested in the project because I’ve been making handmade collages for a long time …
my experience and stylistic choice are influenced by a long period of nomadism throughout Europe.
two artistic currents took part in me.
First are scenarios of surreal worlds.
While the second is the essence of my current aesthetic research.
A project that combines my personal paths of artistic inspiration, aimed at uniting man and nature through portraits of African ethnic figures decorated with natural and not, ornaments, which blend into an aesthetic, that aspires to be a goddess
the goddess Aphrodite
Goddess of beauty and love


Hi, yago here! How are you? I am yago oliveira, musician and visual artist who is between Belo Horizonte and Lisbon My work mixes urban parts less sought after by society with symbologies and abstract arts with projections Can I be part of the project? I am fully interested! Thank you very much, Yago olive tree

@Massi and @Yagolaredo we appreciate for your participations.
You guys can join our telegram group.

well, @Belen_Zuazo @Yagolaredo @Massi We are counting on you for this month. Thank you

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