This proposal is to set up a bounty for a font to be created for the Marma J Foundation. The font will follow along with the general marmaj theme (the more colorful, the better!.
Marma-J-Chan-Style-Sheet.pdf (948.0 KB)
The total payout for this bounty is 26 $marmaj, 1 $marmaj for each letter created (additional marmaj tokens available for punctuation/numbers).
This bounty requires all final font submissions to contain all 26 letters of the alphabet in both upper and lowercase, as well as some special characters/symbols.
If you would like to apply for this bounty, please respond to this topic with a short sample of your work.
To do so, please write out “marmaj” in your created font.
An artist will be selected from the replies on this topic.
If you are selected to proceed with making the font, here are some free resources (unless you know of your own):
Video: How to create a font using Calligraphr
Video #2 How to create a font using Calligraphr for FREE
The final font file must be provided to the MarmaJDAO in order to receive your payout.