2021: The Year in Review

Top #Marma J Foundation Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
[CLOSED ----- OPEN CALL] Adding Minters to the "marmaj.mintbase1.near" Smart Contract 8
[APPROVED] MarmaJchan's Birthday Party 6
[CLOSED] Blog / Video Content Creation - marmaj x NEAR - 10 marmaj tokens 5

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Chloe's Transition - Guild Facilitator -> NF Adoption LEAD -> Ecosystem Partner 19
[APPROVED] MarmaJchan's Birthday Party 14
[CLOSED ----- OPEN CALL] Adding Minters to the "marmaj.mintbase1.near" Smart Contract 13
[Guild Intro] Marma J Foundation 10
[APPROVED] New CPU to start running testnet validator 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
[APPROVED] For Marma J Sticker Pack #1 33
[CLOSED/BOUNTY] marmaj font creation - 26 $marmaj + 28
[CLOSED ----- OPEN CALL] Adding Minters to the "marmaj.mintbase1.near" Smart Contract 26
[APPROVED] MarmaJchan's Birthday Party 18
[APPROVED] Submission Open Call Love, support and positivity - cavenaghi.near - 15

Most Popular

User Topic Score
[CLOSED ----- OPEN CALL] Adding Minters to the "marmaj.mintbase1.near" Smart Contract 26
[APPROVED] MarmaJchan's Birthday Party 25
[APPROVED] Sticker Pack for Marma J Chan 22
[CLOSED/BOUNTY] marmaj font creation - 26 $marmaj + 21
[APPROVED] marma j foundation: a helping hand community - blog post 21