Bounty transferred to link in description [closed] Createbase Gigs - Pixel-Party Frame Contributor June - 5 NEAR / month (12 positions)

This bounty is now available here:

Bounty used to be run here: [Closed] [Bounty] Createbase Gigs - EARN NEAR for Supporting the Createbase Community

Bounty Info
createbase.near manages 12 frames (94-157 in a grid) in the Dapp. These frames are meant to be used by the community as a way to support and showcase the creativity of the Createbase Community.


Contributors selected for this bounty will earn 5 NEAR for a month for their contribution to the collective work of art.

Please reply to this forum post to note your interest in being a frame contributor:
Please note:

  • which frame you would be interesting in contributing to (frame number:??)
  • and your near account name in your forum post (near account: ???.near)


  • Contribution rights can be revoked for art that doesn’t follow the Createabase community vibe
  • It is greatly encouraged that contributors work together to collaborate on group works
  • 5 NEAR is the minimum payout for being a successful frame contributor, the more creative the submission, the more it can/will EARN from the Createbase DAO

Hi Chloe

I want to apply my drawing for the 97th frame this month
It’s quite hot where I am right now so I’ll draw an ice cream :grin:

My Near account: shokeii.near
Thanks u :heart_decoration:


Hi Chloe!!!

I want to apply my drawing to the 156th frame this month!
I would like to introduce the development of the Near ecosystem to everyone.
Here’s my artwork on pixelparty: “IAM HAK”
My Near account: trendheo.near
Thanks !!!

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I would love to contribute to frame #97 for this month - June 21

My Near account: Ilford.near

Thanks Chloe :raised_hands:

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Approved for frame 97 for the month of June <3, once you have completed your artwork, you can submit a payout proposal to the Createbase SputnikDAO for 5 NEAR and use: [Bounty] Createbase Gigs - Pixel-Party Frame Contributor - 5 NEAR / month (12 positions) - #2 by Shokeiii as your forum link.

Approved for frame #156 for the month of June <3, once you have completed your artwork, you can submit a payout proposal to the Createbase SputnikDAO for 5 NEAR and use: [Bounty] Createbase Gigs - Pixel-Party Frame Contributor - 5 NEAR / month (12 positions) - #3 by TRENDHEO as your forum link.

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When will I receive frame number #156 so I can finish my artwork?

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sorry for the delay, done.

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Looks like I missed the guy’s comment above
Can I contribute to frame 154 instead Chloe

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Approved. I will add you to the frame for 154 for the month of June Ilford.near, once you have completed your artwork, you can submit a payout proposal to the Createbase SputnikDAO for 5 NEAR and use: [Bounty] Createbase Gigs - Pixel-Party Frame Contributor June - 5 NEAR / month (12 positions) - #4 by Alex1 as your forum link.

Hey @chloe! I would love to contribute to the June Pixel Party frame by continuing to work on frame #124.

target: bianca.near

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Approved for frame #124 for the month of June <3, once you have completed your artwork, you can submit a payout proposal to the Createbase SputnikDAO for 5 NEAR and use: [Bounty] Createbase Gigs - Pixel-Party Frame Contributor June - 5 NEAR / month (12 positions) - #11 by bianca as your forum link.

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This is so cool! Would love to be included here. Can I contribute to space 94?

**@chloe I made an edit to the space number :slight_smile:


@chloe Can I made a draw in frame 125. i will draw animal. Here is my near account: otoke.near

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Approved. I will add you to the frame for #125 for the month of June otoke.near, once you have completed your artwork, you can submit a payout proposal to the Createbase SputnikDAO for 5 NEAR and use: [Bounty] Createbase Gigs - Pixel-Party Frame Contributor June - 5 NEAR / month (12 positions) - #14 by otoke as your forum link.

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i get it. thanks @chloe

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@chloe - are any spaces still available for the month or should I check back for July?

Hi @chloe!!!

I want to apply my drawing to the 156th frame in July! I drew the 156th frame in June and am very happy about it!
I would like to introduce the development of the Near ecosystem to everyone.
My close account: trendheo.near
Thanks !!!


Hi Chloe & Lenara
1st July…new artwork up …
8 Bit chess piece in place in frame #155 to commemorate the Chess Music piece
Something also new in Frame #94…but happy to give that up if we have someone interested in taking over a frame ??


Awesome, approved! Glad that you’re enjoying the bounty :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and having fun being creative on NEAR creative Dapps.