Proponent: Ghini (Argenide Ghini)
NEAR account for payment: ghini.near
Project Timeline: February 1 th – February 7th 2022
Budget: 500 USD in near/dai
Objective: The main objective of this project is to record tutorial videos in Portuguese t be posted on the Gambiarra Youtube channel, teaching how to open a near wallet, how to mint, sell and buy an NFT in the Gambiarra store in Mintbase
Justification (benefits): The relevance of this project is precisely to make easier to onboard Brazilian artists in Gambiarra at Mintbase platform. This is the first iniciative of this kind in Portuguese language, focusing the Brazilian (and also Portuguese) artists that intend to onboard and join the Gambiarra store in Mintbase.
This proposal is important, especially considering the ongoing approved proposal of onboarding at least 50 artists to the Gambiarra store ([APPROVED] Onboarding women and trans Brazilian artists - #7 by marianeu , in order to participate at the FEMINU Exhibition (Feminine NFTs Universe Exhibition) in March 8th – March 22th.
It is also important because there are at least 50 artists to be onboarded to mint and participate of the FEMINU Exhibition and they need to know how to open their wallets, mint and sell artworks, but also, there is a huge general educational interesting for many other Brazilian and Portuguese artists who will learn how to do it. Another important issue is to promote the Gambiarra store because the videos will be posted on the Gambiarra YouTube channel.
Project: In order to fulfill the objective, three tutorial videos will be recorded in Portuguese language, containing the following basic instructions:
- how to open a NEAR wallet (less than 5 minutes)
- how to configure the Mintbase profile in the Gambiarra store (less than 5 minutes)
- how to mint and sell an NFT in the Gambiarra store (more than 5 minutes)
It will also be needed 500 USD in near/dai:
450 usd in near/dai to be paid for me in the wallet itemized above, after the coordination, production and recording of the three videos.
50 usd for edition.
February 1th – 5th – planning and recording the three videos.
February 5th - 7th – finalizing and editing the three videos to be released on YouTube Gambiarra channel and immediately seeing by the onboarding artists.
Total: 500 USD in near/dai. [milestone: to finish the production, recording and editing of the three Portuguese language tutorial videos, so they are ready to be released on YouTube Gambiarra channel in February 7th]
Artistic name: Ghini
Traditional, digital and NFT Artist, curator and poet
NFT’s exhibitions in New York (NFT.NYC 22), Art Basel Miami Week 22, Cryptovoxels Metaverse and physical artworks exhibited in Museums in Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Korea and Lithuania. Ghini was one of the curators of BrazucasNFT, a huge Brazilian NFT artists exhibition in and this year will publish her first book of poems.
Links: @ghini_ar | Linktree