DAO/Council Members
*Target: Gambiarra DAO Funding for MAY 2022
[REPORT] - Gambiarra DAO Funding for APRIL 2022
*Total Requested Funding Amount: 5.000 USD in NEAR/DAI
Our Introduction: [Introduction] Gambiarra DAO
Objective: The main objective of this set of projects is to continue Gambiarra’s work and to build Gambiarra, NEAR, and Mintbase presence and visibility on Brazilian NFTworld, by thematic exhibitions, courses, tutorials, experimental art, and marketing materials in Portuguese and hopefully soon, also in english. Our intention is that the Brazilian visual art community get to know GAMBIARRA and get into NEAR blockchain through our gallery on Mintbase. And for this, we are building more and more awareness concerning our gallery, our classes, and our art which is the main objective of this set of projects.
Justification (benefits):The relevance of this set of projects is precisely to grow a large collective of artists in the Internet media and in the eyes of their fellow artists, who can also work together. This kind of visibility is essential to a blockchain that needs to expand into visual arts and in the Brazilian NFT community, which is pretty large. Beyond being important to NEAR and to GAMBIARRA artists, these projects are also important to help the development of Mintbase in Brazil, which is an important NFT market in the NEAR, as we have also been producing tutorial videos in Portuguese about it and stimulating the minting scene there. Our set of projects is also important for the community as a whole, because it brings more rewards to the system, and therefore makes the community more in touch with the GAMBIARRA Community and the DAO.
Timeline: May 7th – 31st
The NEAR Protocol has seen so many activities and events arise within its ecosystem. This development can only be cognizant of the fact that the NEAR protocol is conveniently expanding and providing solutions for individuals within the web 3 ecosystem, such as our NFTs, our wallets and numerous DApps. We at the GAMBIARRA Guild/DAO have observed these developments for a while and have decided to contribute our quota in love and gratitude for the NEAR Protocol towards helping it expand conveniently in areas where it is seeking more engagement and traction, which is Brazilian Visual Arts on Mintbase NEAR.
In APRIL we had the honor to have the following projects quoted on the report bellow:
[CONCLUDED] Gambiarra DAO Funding for April 2022
Highlighting, in April we had the chance to have a curator that took care of all the exhibitions in GAMBIARRA space. We finally have located the land, we have the building constructed, and have held 5 exhibitions with more than 70 NFTs.
We have made some more courses from Antimetodo 3, with other amazing artists. Mama Blua was also extremely important to the community, answering questions about how Near and Mintbase work in an irreverent and funny way, showing that it is possible to learn with Humor.
The 5th edition of Mintbase Sunday has increased our collection to 101 works of art and a total of 54 artists participating in our editions.
We had the opportunity to celebrate World Art Day with a big exhibition with more than 40 artists exhibiting their artwork. We also have the great experience of Metatronic 3, where we had in total more than 100 people passing by the place.
In May we continue our work, now with 9 projects! So we asked for the support of 6000 USD to fully realize all of them. Unfortunately the limit of funding Creatives DAO gives is currently 5000 USD, therefore, in a meeting with the GAMBIARRA DAO it was decided by majority of votes, to give preference - at this time - to projects that will take place in the Gambiarra Gallery (parcel in the cryptovelxs), projects from proposers who have never proposed before, and educational projects.
Find below the projects that the GAMBIARRA DAO has outlined to May:
- Casulos (coccons) by Otávio Donasci - 500 USD
- Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events in our beautiful new building of free rent - 500 USD
- Feeling art classes with free software - 500 USD
- The BlockChat — Near Friendly Talks with Baga Defente - 500 USD
- Metatronic 4 - 500 USD
- MintbaseSunday 6th edition - 500 USD
- Council Work
Each of our council members will receive the amount of 500 USD making a total of 1500 USD.
The importance of supporting our artists is very precious to us.
In this sense, we asked for 6000 USD in Near/DAI so that we could support the community to keep growing, with projects that have monthly editions and projects that are unique, and happen only once. Right now, new participants of GAMBIARRA started to propose projects as well, and it will be great to support them, more and more. In this direction, we’ll continue our community conversations to develop Creatives DAO and discuss funding limits!
Let’s keep the movement
Greetings from Metaverse
Follow us around the networks
Mintbase – Galeria Gambiarra
Telegram - Gambiarra Community
Instagram: @gambiarranear
Love to all community