Proposal: Take Over the r/ethtrader Banner
r/ethtrader is a crypto-focused Subreddit with 1.5m+ subscribers and considerably more users who are not subscribed.
Within the subreddit is a banner that runs along the top of the subreddit page on both web and mobile.
This banner is a rentable space.
Bidders can purchase DONUTs, the native token of r/ethtrader, and use these to rent the digital real estate that is the banner along the top of the r/ethtrader subreddit.
According to subredditstats, r/ethtrader is the 323rd largest Subreddit by subscriber count and the 145th largest by comment count as of 9th of August, 2021.
This proposal is a trial run. An effort to assess the impact of the r/ethtrader banner, with a general goal of increasing traffic to r/nearprotocol
More details on how the r/ethtrader banner functions here.
Proposal Details
Funding Scheme:
One-time payment
Expected impact and value you foresee for the NEAR ecosystem / community
Growth in both subscriber count and engagement in the r/nearprotocol subreddit. In comparison to the Discord and Telegram channels, the NEAR Subreddit lags in terms of user count with a subscriber count of 1,311 as of 9th of August, 2021.
How will you measure its impact and success?
Assess engagement and subscriber growth on r/nearprotocol using subredditstats
Aside from you, how many people do you foresee to being involved?
The NEAR Design Guild and the wonderful @alanborger have already created the wonderful NEAR banner to be used below - this is the one which will sit atop r/ethrader (any other suggestions are welcomed!)
Estimated timeline and milestones to be achieved
Recommend running this trial for a minimum of 2 weeks (14 days) with the option to extend if it’s performing well.
Milestones may include a notable (10%+) rise in subscribers to r/nearprotocol
Links to similar, previously funded forum proposals (if applicable)
N/A for MarketingDAO Vertical at this time (feel free to point me to others from other DAOs if I’ve missed anything!)
Total requested amount in USD and NEAR (price based at the time of posting)
3000 USD/ 1,102 NEAR
This covers the cost of:
100,000 DONUTs for the banner purchase
The 10% tax in DONUTs (10,000 DONUTs) per day as per the Harberger Tax system implemented with the r/ethtrader banner
Gas fees on the Ethereum network
Current DONUT price = 0.009194
Note: Any unused funds after the 14 days will be re-converted to NEAR and sent back to the MarketingDAO. I’ll endeavor to ensure all of this can be tracked transparently on-chain.
NEAR wallet ID
Wallet owner’s Name
David Morrison
Happy to set up an alternative NEAR wallet for this process if that’s the best practice.