Hey marketing people of NEAR,
Since last call with @marketingdao-council NEAR Stars Guild will orientate more on promoting projects built on NEAR, Guild updates and upcoming events.
This one is for Cheddar Farm promo:
We have chosen these youtubers that have knowladge and skills for reviewing more like financial crypto topics.
Here are Cheddar Stars:
Crypto Top Things To Know has 15.8K subscribers
Got +3k views last time. Will concentrate more on Cheddar Farm promo for october since hes good at financial type of promo.
Rich has already interviewd @Blaze and made an additional video about Cheddar farm.
Crypto Rich (22.9K subs) [Crypto Rich - YouTube ]https://www.youtube.com/c/CryptoRich/
For both videos he will get +2k views on youtube and additionally get some attantion from BitTube.tv
Both youtubers will add a link to Cheddar Farm, will use bit.ly to see how many clicks it can bring.
In general feel that will get more than 5k views and promo on their social media.
Budget for youtubers (calculated on todays 7.5 USD per NEAR):
Crypto Rich: 190 NEAR = 1400 USD
Crypto Top Things To Know 55 NEAR = 400 USD
Promo bounty for NEAR Stars Guild per 3 videos 25x3=75 NEAR = 550 USD
In total for Cheddar Farm promo for October: 2350 USD
Wallet starsguild.near owner is guild leader @Zhunda
@David_NEAR @cryptocredit @Grace @satojandro @jcatnear
Let me know if posting DAO proposal in that type is fine.
If any additional info is needed, ask. Wanted to keep it short and understandable.