[APPROVED] Near-multicall MetaBUIDL payout

Hello everyone,
It’s chluff (chluff.near) from near-multicall, we (Lennczar and I) took part in the MetaBUIDL MarmaJ Foundation partner challenge. As stated in this post all unique submissions will be rewarded with $1000 in MarmaJ tokens, and so we would like to claim our payout :slight_smile:

  • payout target adress: multicall.near
  • amount: $1000 in MarmaJ tokens

Thank you for submitting this proposal.

Currently $1000 USD in $marmaj would be ~78 $marmaj tokens.

78 $marmaj → ~115 $NEAR → ~$1000 USD

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This proposal has been [APPROVED]. Please feel free to submit a payout proposal to the marmaj DAO https://app.astrodao.com/dao/marmaj.sputnik-dao.near for 78 $marmaj.tkn.near

Please include this forum post in the description. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Payout txn: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/marmaj.sputnik-dao.near?tab=1&proposal=marmaj.sputnik-dao.near-63

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